Incoming Troubles

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3rd POV:

Blackheart was feeling quite proud of himself, and why shouldn't he? He managed to open an old scar made by his father to Duncan after declining his offers years ago, believing that his destiny is his own.

Salem: "Is it really wise to send her just like that? Just on a whim?"

Blackheart: "Oh, it was worth every second. Now tell us Laila, how was The Rider?"

His new undead angel only bowed her head, akin to a subject to his king, she then raised her head to tell him what she did.

Laila: "It was just as you spoke of lord Blackheart, in short the devastated look on Duncan's face was enough evidence to show that he still blames himself for my demise."

This brough more questions in Salem's mind, "demise", she is speaking like she is already dead. This didn't go unnoticed by Blackheart who's smile widened to dangerous levels.

Blackheart: "Ohhh, curious now... are we?"

Salem: "I would be lying if i say i wasn't."

Blackheart: "Long story short, she is... an old friend of Duncan, but let's just say that my father didn't like Duncan's attitude so he sent his best Riders to show him his place, it ended with the death of her... but that... was also his big mistake, Duncan was out for revenge afterwards."

Salem: "And let me guess, your father met his end by an enraged Duncan so to speak."

Blackheart: "That's an understatement, he tore through Hell itself only to kill my father."

Salem: "I see, but that doesn't explain on how is she alive."

Blackheart: "Just some forbidden magic that's all. She may look alive, but for sure she is not."

Salem was at loss, Blackheart proclaimed that powers of this caliber was JUST some magic, it was quite baffleling to say the least for her, another evidence of the absurd world that he and the others come from.

Blackheart: "Now then, if you excuse us, we need... to prepare for the great day."

Salem stayed silent and watched as Blackheart left the throne room followed by Laila.

In the hallways, Wallow joined Blackheart, who decided to speak.

Blackheart: "Are the preparations going according to plan?"

Wallow: "Yes indeed, those beasts of Grimm were enhanced with some of our demonic magic, also they are quite easy to take control of."

Blackheart: "Good, they will rip those so called huntsmen to shreds, let's see how they face against demonised Grimms. As for Duncan... i will leave him in your care Laila alongside with our associate."

Laila: "It shall be done my lord, but..."

When she spoke her lips quivered ever so slightly.

Blackheart: "Are you having doubts? Remember, i brought you back and you shall obey me."

Laila: "N-none my lord, he shall fall by my blade."

Blackheart: "Good, good, now come along Predator, it is time."

He said to a figure who was sitting crossarmed with it's back against the wall, his skull ignited in flames at the mention of his name before he decided to follow Blackheart.

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