A Crazy Night

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Duncan's POV:

Ozpin ushered us to enter the elevator, after he put in a code, the elevator started to take us lower then is supposed to go, Medusa and I exchanged looks, ready for what is ahead of us.

As the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened showing us what apeared to be a bunker of sorts.

Ozpin guided us until we arrived to a lifepod and inside we could see Amber.

Ozpin: "Can you truly save her?"

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Ozpin: "Can you truly save her?"

Duncan: "I learned quite a few tricks since i have been here, so yeah."

I simply raised my right hand as Heavenly Blue Flames started to dance in my palm.

Ozpin reluctanly opnened the pod, i just put my palm on Amber's forehead, her whole body was bathed in Holy Fire, her life force was restored and her scars started to disappear.

Shortly she woke up gasping for air.

Amber: *confused* "W-wha?! Just-what h-happened?!"

Ozpin: "At ease Amber, Duncan here just healed you."

Amber: "Uhh... who...?"

Duncan: "Hi, you should know that her powers are just half, until Cinder dies..."

Amber: *gasp* "Ozpin! Yes, sh-"

Ozpin: "Yes, we have been informed, for now you should rest."

Amber: "I must thank you, sorry but what are your names again?"

Duncan: "I'm Duncan and this is Medusa, you should take it easy, Ozpin here should inform you of what's going on."

Medusa: "I believe we should return, classes are about to start, we wouldn't want to make the students wait for us."

Ozpin: "Medusa is right, i would take care of things around here."

Duncan: "Ok, take care Amber."

Medusa and I entered the elevator, after pressing the button for the floor we wanted to go the doors closed.

Medusa: "So what's the plan? Are we going to let them roam freely?"

Duncan: "Fat chance, but we can't show that we know that they are here, they are going for the perfect moment to strike."

Medusa: "The Vytal Festival? That seems like a good oportunity for them, especialy with so many people, chaos will be at it peack if something were to happen."

Duncan: "That's right, for now we play it safe, amidst the chaos is also oportunity, let's make sure that they don't get such an oportunity."

Medusa: "Hmm-hmm."

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