The Dance on The Windy Night

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3rd POV:

It's been a few days ever since the fight with Roman, but Duncan didn't care about that, what he was focused on, was Blackheart.

Whatever Blackheart had in mind is sure as Hell itself is gonna be catastrophic for the world of Remnant, especialy since he and Salem made a deal, if Blackheart is anything as his father for sure will find a way to twist the deal in his favor.

At the moment Duncan and Medusa were assisting Glynda in one of her combat classes.

Duncan looked once at Medusa who was standing beside him, as much he was happy that she was by his side, he was praying to God himself that Medusa herself won't be caught in the crossfire if a fight between him and Blackheart were to break out, such is the reason that he won't be calling at home for another Heroic Spirits, yes, they are strong indeed, but, they don't know what Blackheart himself can and cannot do. Zarathos and Duncan faced Blackheart before, he is not a deal maker like his father Mephisto, so they will need to play safe.

Medusa took notice of Duncan's thoughtful gaze, she only gave him a reassuring smile.

Duncan chuckled before directing his attention in front of him, Pyrhha at the moment was fighting team CRDL who just got out of detention.

The fight ended shortly with Pyrhha as the victor.

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Cardin who was on the ground, lifted himself groaning in pain.

Cardin: *groan* "Lucky shot."

Glynda: "Well done Ms. Nikos you will have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrhha: "Thank you proffesor."

Glynda: "All right, i know that it's a though act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?"

Glynda looked among the students and noticed Blake who was reading her book.

Glynda: "Ms. Belladona? You have been rather docile for the past last few classes, why don't y-"

But before Glynda could finish, Mercury raised his hand.

Mercury: "I will do it."

Glynda glanced at Duncan who nodded.

Glynda: "Mercury is it? Very well."

Mercury: "Yes ma' am."

Glynda: "Let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually i want to fight... him." He said pointing at Duncan.

The students gasped hearing this, but Duncan's visage adorned a casual smirk.

Glynda: "I don't th-"

Duncan: "It's ok Witch if the kid wants a fight, iwill give him one."

Duncan took of his leather jacket handing it over to Medusa, he then made his way into the arena.

Duncan was wearing only a tank top, everyone could see his scars on his arms, yet on his left arm a tattoo could be seen.

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