A Lost Soul

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3rd POV

Ironwood had a scowl on his face as he paced around in Ozpin's office, his mechanic arm was put in a kasket for the moment and he had a black eye after Medusa punched him.

Ozpin looked at Ironwood with worry yet amusement in his eyes. Glynda only had a straight face believing that Ironwood deserved it, after all in his arogant display of military power he endengared Ruby and enraged an entity far beyond their comprehension.

Amber on the other hand waited for her savior to show up any moment after Ozpin called for him.

Everyone directed their attention to the elevator, as the doors opened they showed Medusa who had a look who can actually kill, as for Duncan he had his usual smirk, but his eyes betrayed his emotions, his eyes were burning red with black scleras. Ironwood was ready to march on towards Duncan but stopped himself once he looked into Duncan's eyes, at that moment Ironwoods legs started to tremble and sweat started to drip down his forehead.

As Duncan alongside Medusa made their way towards Ozpin's office Duncan's eyes returned to their usual color.

Duncan: "Sooo, are we gonna adress the issue at hand or what? And do i need to say how much Ironwood fucked up last night?"

Ozpin: "Let's stay for now on the subject at hand, last night you fought an unknown entity. It was one of this Blackheart's demons?"

Duncan: "Yes, Abigor, The Wind Demon, from the group should be left only Wallow The Water Demon, but knowing Blackheart, he already has another plan in motion."

Glynda: "What are the chances of him attacking sooner then later?"

Duncan: "Not much, he will take advantage of the moment when our guards are down, that moment being the Vytal Festival."

Ozpin: "Yes, indeed, and since Salem and him are allied they have Cinder and the other to initiate the attack from within."

Medusa: "But that's were we come in, they still have no knowledge of our capabilities, we will try and take them on when they don't expect."

Glynda: "Then let us hope that the things the way they are, for all we know Blackheart may have warned them of you."

Duncan: "Yeeeaaahhhh, nope, Blackheart and Salem may be allies, but Blackheart still works with no one, he will find a way to double cross her in the end, it runs in the family."

Amber: "In family you say? You have met this relative of his?"

Duncan's face contorted into a scowl just for a moment before returning to his smirk

It was short but everyone noticed, Medusa's face softened knowing exactly who Duncan had in mind.

Ozpin: "It would seem that this individual brings a deep hatred from within you Duncan."

Duncan: "Yeah... his name is Mephisto, he impersonated as The Devil for many eons, once he got a hold of the word that his favorite Spirit of Vengeance was bonded with me, he... tried to persuade me to join him, i never accepted to make a deal with him, that displeased him to the point he started to send Spirits of Pollution after me."

Glynda: "Wait a sec, Spirit of Pollution? Are there another kind of spirits beside the Spirits of Vengeance like the angel?"

Duncan: "Think of the Spirits of Pollution as Anti-Ghost Riders, Hunters, they are Spirits of Vengeance who swored loyalty to Mephisto in exchange for power, betraying their bretheren."

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