Roar of the Tigress

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3rd POV:

Blackheart: "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Ashley only stared blankly at the pair of tore off wings on the ground, wings that are supposed to belong to her brother.

It was quite obvious that Blackheart was trying to get under her skin.

Blackheart: "Heard your parents are back in town, maybe i'll pay them a visit one of these days."

Ashley sharply exhaled, grasping tightly on the handle of the Yamato, she slowly unsheathed the blade, making a diagonal slash to her right.

Blackheart: 'Did she just...?', he thought to himself, narrowing his eyes.

Not even after a second, building by building, one by one, no matter the size, started to fall, being cut down by an invisible force.

Half of Mantle was brought down.

Blackheart recognized the danger, his body seemingly transformed into his demonic form. A black demonic blade in his right hand.

Ashley: "Shall i take it that you see me as a threat?"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ashley: "Shall i take it that you see me as a threat?"

Blackheart: "Maybe... let's see what you are made of."

At that moment a dark blood thirsty aura surrounded Blackheart, making the Huntsmen and Huntresses shake in fear.

Raven, who was tending to Yang's and Ruby's wounds, could only stare, terror and dread shook her entire being, her brother was no different.

Raven: 'H-he was... merely playing with us!', she audibly gulped.

Raven with a frightened expression, turned towards Ashley, who looked quite livid. The one who usualy wears a poker face during a fight.

Ashley, in response to Blackheart's bloodlust, ingulfed her body in a dark blue astral aura, energy was dancing calmly around her body. Suddenly the gravity itself brought down everyone to their knees, except Blackheart who looked intrigued, a pressure that made it quite hard to breath. That pressure was emanated by Ashley.

No one made a move, both Ashley and Blackheart, they were standing quite far from eachother.

Byakko: 'So what's the plan? Even if you go all out, you can't kill him.'

It wasn't like Byakko didn't had faith in it's partner, but it was more out of concern.

Ashley: 'Stall him long enough until Duncan breaks out of that thing.'

Byakko: 'That much faith that he is alive?'

Ashley: 'Nope... just a gut feeling, you can't kill him that easy, he always comes back with a vengeance.'

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