Chapter 5: Hints and Caught

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Chapter 5: Hints and Caught

For some unbeknownst reason, Jungkook badly wants to go back to the apartment where Taehyung was

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For some unbeknownst reason, Jungkook badly wants to go back to the apartment where Taehyung was. He will just make excuse there once he has already arrived.

"Sir, are you going to eat your breakfast?" Hawan asked waiting on the stairs.

"No, where's Jungsoo?" Jungkook replied asking.

"He already leave because they had to prepare for their demo class and Jungsoo will be representative for their section." Hawan stated.

"Okay, just make sure to pick him up at the right time so he won't go anywhere." Jungkook added while walking.

"I understand, sir." Hawan uttered bowing her head.

Jungkook got inside the car and started to drive. The driver Juhan opened the gate for him so he can leave.


"I-I don't know who gave him the information about where I live. He just came here telling me I have a debt to him. That's it." Taehyung explained while kneeling on his floor.

"Taehyung, why are you breaking the agreement you made with us? You promised not to show your fucking face to them, right? Then why?!"

That person grabbed his hair pointing the dagger at his forehead.

"I-I'm saying the truth, I didn't break any promise. Please believe in me." Taehyung cried.

"Are you that desperate to see your son get killed, huh?!"

He tightened his grip on the fistful of Taehyung's hair.

"No! Please not my son. I'm begging you." Taehyung begged, holding his leg.

"Then you should follow the agreement! You know what will be the consequences! I won't hesitate to kill them, understood?!"

Taehyung nodded his head aggressively.

"Good, if you meet with them again, I will prove to you how serious we are about killing them."

That person threw him to the ground.

"Should I slice your face as a warning so you could at least feel threatened more?"

He sharpened the dagger with a knife. He turned around showing the dagger to Taehyung. The brown-haired boy swallowed hard while trying to crawl back but his body hurts so much that he can't even move. 

"Should I start carving on your cheeks? Forehead?"

Taehyung internally was calling for help hoping at least someone could help him. But that person grabbed his hair once again tightly not minding Taehyung was crying.

"P-please, duh-don't do this. I-It's not my fault. I-I don't know how he finds out. Believe me, I-I didn't tell anything to him." Taehyung pleaded while pushing him away.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I will just leave a mark as a warning. That's it, I won't kill you yet because I didn't get an order about that."

He smirked kinda teasing Taehyung with the dagger by playfully slicing it in Taehyung's face.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A familiar voice suddenly echoed through the house. The person immediately hid the dagger and turned around seeing Jungkook standing at the door.

"I'm his friend, I'm just asking a question to him." He replied lowering his head and trying to cover up his face a bit.

"Asking a question? Why he's crying and don't you see he's sick? Are you stupid?" Jungkook inquired moving in between them.

"I'm sorry, I will leave now." He uttered attempting to escape.

"Hey! You're not answering my question! Who are you?!" Jungkook growled.

But that person run away, Jungkook tried to chase him outside until they got to the stairs but the person was so fast that Jungkook failed to get him.

"Bullshit" Jungkook cursed under his breath, clenching his fist.

"What happened, sir?"

"Check every CCTV and find the person who came into Taehyung's house right now." Jungkook ordered.

"Okay, sir."

His men quickly followed him and went away to find the person.

Jungkook went back to Taehyung's house.

"Who's that person? Are you hurt? What did he do to you?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

He checked Taehyung who was coughing. He knelt down helping Taehyung to sit down.

"Tell me! What did he do to you??" Jungkook asked holding his face.

Yet, Taehyung yanked off his hands, glaring at him.

"I-I'm fine, it's your fault! Y-you shouldn't come here!" Taehyung grumbled crying.

"What does he need from you? Why he's threatening you?!" Jungkook inquired clenching his fist.

"You don't need to know! Why are you here?! You are making everything worst! It's all your fault!" Taehyung growled punching him.

"Is it wrong to save you from that person? Why are you like this, Taehyung?" Jungkook retorted gritting his teeth.

"I told you not to come here, what's your purpose going here? Are you going to tell me about my aunt's debt again?! Huh!" Taehyung yelled with tears falling from his eyes.

"Why don't you just tell me about that guy? Is that hard for you to answer me? What are you hiding from me? Tell me now." Jungkook grumbled.

"Just leave me alone! I don't need you! Just leave!" Taehyung shouted pushing Jungkook away.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and punched the wall beside Taehyung's face. The brown-haired boy got surprised looking at Jungkook with widened eyes, swallowing hard.

"Fine, if that's what you want, I will do that. I'm here to tell you that I will only give you one week for you to pay me." Jungkook uttered standing up and turning around.

"Wuh-what?! Are you crazy? I told you, I can't pay for it! Wuh-why are you doing this to me?!" Taehyung grumbled.

"Well, I can extend it for you if you tell me who's that guy and what he needs from you. But if you didn't tell me about him in one week, give me back my money." Jungkook said sternly walking to the door.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled.

"You know me Taehyung, I don't have a long patience to wait for you so you better tell me before I find it on my own." Jungkook retorted slamming the door.

Taehyung cursed under his breath knowing Jungkook will do what he said. Why does heck it has to happen to him?

He fucked up so badly and he doesn't know how he will fix it.

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