(47) damn

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it's been awhile...

3rd pov cause i liked it

"what was that about?" Getou asked y/n with his mouth slightly opened. "no clue, at least we know he's alive and 'safe' right?" she asked while sir quoting the word "safe".

"true... we should get some sleep for tomorrow." Getou said while getting up and making his way to sleep on the floor. (idk if i mentioned it but it's basically a room with only one bed.)

"yeah you're totally right." y/n said while pulling the covers and slowly getting comfortable. "light off?" she asked. "if you don't mind." he responded softly to which she nodded and turned the switch.

two hours later and y/n couldn't sleep.

so much was going through her head, so many "what if's?"

what if her friends were hurt? what if SHE dies in the process? what about Satoru? what about Nobara? she was worried about everyone and everything.

"are you awake?" Getou whispered.

"yeah... can't sleep either?" she asked back. "not really, i've been thinking, and the floor isn't helping my back either." he said with small chuckle.

"you want sleep up here? there's some space." y/n spoke without realizing what she just said. you basically asked him to sleep with you but not really...

"if you don't mind of course..." he responded sounding a bit hopeful. "yeah, come up." she said with a small smile.

slowly Getou made his way to the edge of the bed, y/n couldn't help but blush, she couldn't deny it. Getou was attractive like really attractive but there's no way in hell she would tell him that. especially since he knew it.

"why are you up?" he asked breaking the silence which caused y/n to turn and face him. "just thinking." she said while staring at him, his eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep, he seemed concentrated in something. the way his lips were slightly parted as he inhaled and exhaled, his jawline sharp as ever, the way his hair framed his face perfectly, his slightly furrowed brows. y/n couldn't help but admire his features.

"it's rude to stare." Getou said while turning to her with a smile which caused y/n to widen her eyes in shock. "sorry." she mumbled while turning away from him.

"it's fine, it was cute." he said with low chuckle. this only made y/n's stomach swarm with butterflies.

"we should try to sleep, for tomorrow." she said in what almost sounded like a whisper. "goodnight y/n." he mumbled. she was already asleep.

time skip to the morning

Getou was the first to wake up, when he opened his eyes he couldn't help but notice how his arms were wrapped around y/n's waist and how she had hers wrapped around him. the sight made him smile but he quickly dismissed it by slowly getting up and making his way to the bathroom.

Getou had questions, ones that he was scared to get answers from.

how would Satoru react if he finds out the real him is alive? will he hate him? or will he be happy and be like the old times? will everyone hate him? will they believe him if he said he sees things from a different perspective now? he wants to know but at the same time he's too afraid.

"Getou?" y/n mumbled from the other side of the door snapping him out of his thoughts. he didn't even notice how long he had the sink running for.

"yeah?" he spoke, his voice a bit shaky but not enough to be noticed.

"are you almost done? i kinda have to go..." she said with a nervous chuckle. "oh, yeah sorry." he said while stepping out awkwardly.

quickly she did her business and stepped out. "we should get going." y/n said with a small smile. "woah, we're not gonna eat? breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Getou said with his brows raised.

"getting these points is also important." she said while leaving on the wall and crossing her arms over her chest.

"yeah well we're going to have breakfast whether you want to or not, if i have to tie you to the chair just to get you to eat then i will." Getou responded mocking her pose which caused y/n to slightly pout. "fine..."

"alright, let's go then." he said while grabbing her wrist and dragging her downstairs.

they ate blah blah blah

"that wasn't too bad was it?" Getou asked as they walked out of the building. "i guess, the food was good so i'm not really complaining." y/n said with a little smile.

"what now?" he asked as they kept walking. "we question anyone who we see and ask them about higuruma." she spoke in a stern tone.

seconds later a lemon landed in front of them which caused both to become more alert. (bsd fans iykyk)

"what the fu-"


Getou pulled y/n's arm back from the exploding lemon. "what was that?" he asked with his brows furrowed. "not sure... we should find out though." she said while getting up and helping Getou to his feet as well. 

"i'll have my curses scout around, if they see someone or something suspicious, they'll let me know." he said. "sounds good, we should stick together as well just in case." y/n said to which Getou nodded.

soon after they were stopped by a guy holding a basket of lemons...

"free points i guess." the guy said while throwing the lemons on the ground where they standing. y/n was quick enough to react and warp both her and Getou away from the attack.

"he doesn't get harmed by them." Getou said which caused y/n to nod. "maybe if we get him to run out them?" she asked. "no, i don't think he's good at close combat, if we manage to take him down quickly then maybe we can get answers." he said to which y/n nodded i agreement.

"i'll distract him and you'll take him down." Getou said with a sly smirk. "leaving me to do the hard part huh..." she said with a smile. "of course i am." he winked.

"so lemons?" Getou asked with his hands in his pockets. "what happened to the girl?" lemon dude asked (imma call him that for now 💀)

"i killed her, i rather get the extra points, you're next by the way." Getou said while smirking at him.

"tsk, yeah right. you two were walking together." he said.

"so you were stalking us?" y/n asked while putting him in a quick chokehold.

"you know for your height, im quite impressed." Getou said while smiling. "very funny Getou..." y/n said as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"now... you lemon dude. do you know anything about higuruma hiromi?"

it's been a while... i apologize for the delayed update. but tysm for all the support.

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