"If I remember correctly, you were the one who said yes when I proposed. You also said 'I do' after me at the altar. So you must've gone wrong somewhere around then." Y/n joked with her wife as Rosie rolled her eyes playfully, giggling at her wife.

"Mm, you're right. I should've ran when I had the chance walking down the aisle." Rosie responded as y/n just placed a kiss on her lips,

"I would've paid money to see you try to run in those gorgeous heels you wore. 5 inch heels? Woman, I'm surprised you were able to stand upright without falling over or tripping." Rosie smacked y/n's shoulder lightly,

"Oh shut up. I could fully run in them if I wanted to."

"Sure you could." Y/n concluded as Rosie just made her wife continue to push the cart around everywhere she went inside the store. Y/n still gave her opinion and actually a few times Rosie listened to her if she didn't like something and put it back. It shocked y/n, but she was thankful to save at least a little money.

A small tub of tiny stuffed animals caught Rosie's attention as she practically ran over to it, cooing at all the adorable animals inside. Y/n pushed the now full cart over and also started to look through the bin, grinning at all the different animals and colors of the fabric used for each one.

"How about a little dolphin?" Rosie asked y/n, who was looking intently at a small stuffed elephant instead.

"Awe, but I like this little elephant. Look at its trunk!" Y/n said as she made a little noise as she moved the trunk up, mimicking the sound of an elephant as best she could. It got a laugh out of her wife and she was proud of herself for being the cause of such a beautiful sound.

"Okay we can get it. I think that's it for now, too." Rosie told her wife as y/n pretended that the cart was a basketball hoop and went to shoot a shot. The elephant was in the air flying towards the cart, but Rosie's hand slapped it out of the air, sending it straight to the ground.

"Wha–really? That was going to go in too!" Y/n whined as she bent down to pick up the stuffed toy and place it normally back into the cart. Rosie just chuckled at her wife as she pushed the cart towards the counter with deflated shoulders. She sighed as she can see she married someone who acts like a child sometimes, but she wouldn't trade them for the world.

"Hello ladies, did you two find everything okay?" The cashier said as she started to scan everything y/n was putting on the small conveyor belt.

"We did find everything we needed." Rosie replied with a smile as she patiently waited for everything to be scanned. In the meantime, she dug around her purse for her wallet and got her card out, ready to pay for it.

"Do you two need help loading all this stuff into your car? I can get someone to help if you need it." The cashier asked sincerely since there was indeed a lot of stuff that the two women purchased. Rosie shook her head as she motioned towards her wife,

"That won't be necessary. I married her so she could do all the physical labor." Y/n smiled and shook her head at her wife's remark, making the cashier laugh. They all continued to have small conversations with each other before the final total was announced.

"Your total is $636.88." The cashier said as Rosie heard y/n suck in a breath hearing the number. But Rosie just smiled politely as she swiped her card, the pin pad saying thank you moments later as the sound of the receipt printing could be heard. Rosie took the receipt and stuffed it into her purse blindly as y/n started to push the cart away towards the exit.

"Congratulations by the way." The cashier said as Rosie smiled brightly, resting her hand on her small baby bump from being almost 5 months along.

"Thank you, have a good rest of your day." Rosie responded as y/n was holding the door open, waiting for her pregnant wife to leave the baby store. She noticed her wife smiling widely as she got closer,

Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ