Vacation Love(nora x male reader)

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A/n:set on earth, no Semblance, no grimm, no Salem, you know the drill

3rd Pov 

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and everyone was ready to kick it this summer at the beach. All were happy and excited… all but two.

Y/n:*running after a sugar rushed Nora who's running to the beach area*"Nora, get back here now!"

Nora:"haha, no way y/n"

Y/n l/n, a young man who's known this crazy sugar-induced girl since they were young, along with one other.

Ren:*running in front of her in hopes to block her*"nora!"

Nora:*runs around him last second*"too slow ren"

She continues to run and jumps straight into the water as y/n catches his breath next to Ren as his other friends approach them.

Yang:"jeez, she was really excited for the beach huh"

Y/n:"she's been planning this for weeks*to Nora as she swims without a care*Nora, you didn't even change, that's your only clothes"

Nora:"it's fine y/n, i'll change later and by the time we leave it'll be dry"

Y/n:"you better help us set up"

Nora:"haha, no"

Ren:*puts a hand on y/n's shoulder as he sighs*"just let her be, you and I both know she's not getting out of the water anytime soon"

Y/n:"sadly, I know"

With that the group of friends find a spot and some start setting up while the other went to change and then swapped when they came back. When everything was set and everyone was changed into their swimsuit the party truly began.

Y/n:*backflips off a nearby cliff into the water*"wahoo"

As his head pops out of the water Nora jumps onto his back and he keeps them afloat.

Your pov 

Nora:"what took you so long slowpoke"

Me:"not my fault, someone refused to help set up"

Nora:"hehe, not sorry"

Me:"didn't expect you to be, hey, race you to shore"

Nora:"your on y/n"

With that we took off, sadly, I lost, which I sorta expected, I could never win at anything when it was against Nora.

Me:*catching my breath as Nora stands next to me, victoriously*"h-how are you so fast"

Nora:"stop skipping leg day and you'll see"

Me:"that was one time"

She sticks her tongue out at me as I scoff and smile at her childish behavior. She then runs off to our set up as I walk over there, the only ones there were Weiss and Blake. Blake was reading and Weiss was taking the sun, which she honestly needed, girls white as paper.

Me:*hitting Weiss chair to get her attention*"thanks again for inviting us to stay at your beach mansion for the summer"

Weiss:"of course, it would be rather boring if was just me here"

Nora:*gasp as she looks in the cooler*"y/n, we're out of juice boxes"

Me:"what, but I remember packing that because you drink them, like, crazy… Nora what did you drink on the way here"

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