A Gem To Behold(Emerald x male reader)

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Your pov

I had just finished a mission for Salem and was walking to my room when I saw Cinder had come back with two new lackeys. Selam loved her, me and her were close, but nothing too special, we were barely friends. I just put up with her because of selam, if mother didn't have such an interest in her, she'd be dead by now.

Me:"who are those two Cinder, you know how mother feels about people in her castle"

Cinder:"oh would you relax, they work for me, well, selam, but I tell them the orders and they follow, so don't tell me what I can and can't do. I'm helping out army grow, what have you done"

Me:"...seriously, im literally her child, i've brought you here, I brought watts, tyrian, hazel, all of them, I brought them here. You bring a crippled and a cute girl home and you think you're the boss now. The hell Cinder"

Mercury:"my names Mercury, not crippled"

Me:"my names y/n, I dont give a shit what your name is kid, i'm not talking to you right now"

Cinder:"i'm tired of this talk, you bore me, come talk to me when you make yourself useful"

Me:"...im gonna snap your neck one of these days fall, mark my words"

Salem:*approaching us*"And why would you do that my son?"

Me:"your right hand is talking down to me again, thats why"

Salem:"cinder, how many times do I have to tell you to shut your mouth around my son"

Cinder:"i'm sorry mistress, he was being rude to your new followers, so I just decided to be rude back"

Salem:"New followers?"

Cinder:"yes, Emerald sustrai and Mercury black, I thank you'll find them very interesting"

Salem:"hm, ok then, you two, come with me*glares at me and cinder* as for you two, try not to kill each other"

She leaves with the two noobies, as soon as she's gone me and Cinder glare at each other.

Cinder:"I hate you"

Me:"I hate you more"

Cinder:"I hate you worse"

Me:"fuck you"

Cinder:"fuck you too"

Salem:*pokes her head out to glare at us*"children"

We scatter, going in completely different directions. I was called from my room not too long after. I headed to where the throne/meeting room was to see the two noobies in front of Salem, who was sitting at her throne. 

Me:"you called for me mother"

Salem:"yes, I want you to train these two, teach them how things work here"

Me:"why not put Cinder up to it, she brought them"

Salem:"I already sent her on another mission, this one is yours. Come now child, you are of my creation, this should be an easy task for you"

Me:*sigh*"fine, they can come to my room after they've settled in, training will begin from there"

Salem:"good boy"

I simply nod and return to my room. I knew what we were doing was wrong, ever since that one silvered eye warrior paid mother a visit, I knew what we were doing was hurting innocent people. I wanted to leave since then, but to defy Salem is to defy a God, she was unkillable and stronger then 100 men that were stronger then 100 men individually. I'm brought from my thoughts as I hear a knock on my door and the muffled voice of the girl from earlier.

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now