A Second Chance(cinder x male reader)

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A/n: no Salem again, just Grimm, summer is alive, raven still left tho, romen and neo are good, and I couldn't find out how old cinder is so all the ages mentioned are based on what i assumed, if you know the actual age of both timezones, please tell me.

3rd pov

It was a cold and rainy night, a certain rose had just finished a mission, now walking through the streets with her white hood over her head. As she did, a small girl, no more than 16 in ragged maid clothes, she looked exhausted, as if she had been walking for hours. She held two swords, one was stained with blood, seeing this, summer put a hand on her own weapon. She didn’t do anything, all she did was get prepared, but the small girl looked at her and uttered in a raspy voice.

Teen Cinder:”p-please, help, m-me

A tear ran down the girl's face as she then fell forward, only to be caught by Summer, who looked down at the child with sympathy. Having made up her mind, she brought cinder to the inn she was staying at and laid her down in a warm bed after wrapping a dry towel around her. After laying her down, she turned the heater on and took off her cloak before starting to make some tea. While she waited for the water to boil, she tended to Cinder to make sure she was ok and dry. Once the tea started to hiss she went to check on it, as she did, cinder groaned awake.

Teen Cinder:”ugh, *looking around*w-where am i”

Summer:*coming back into the room with a tray that has the tea*”in my inn room*cinder gets startled by her presence*oh, sorry there little one, I didn't mean to startle you. I brought tea, would you like some”

She doesn’t say anything, she simply nods hesitantly, summer smiles and walks closer, placing the tray on the bedside table and making two cups of tea for her and cinder. She hands cinder her cup and sits down on the opposite side of her in a chair.

Summer:”so little one, what is your name”

Teen Cinder:”...cinder, cinder fall”

Summer:”that's a lovely name, my name is summer rose”

Teen Cinder:”um, th-thank you, but, why did you help me”

Summer:”well because you asked*kind smile*and it’s my job as a huntress to help those in need”

Summer gave a smile to reassure the girl, but knowing what she did, Cinder's eyes immediately widened with fear and she searched the bed for her weapons with one hand as the other held the tea only to not find them. Summer did this and sighed before placing her tea back on the table and approaching cinder. In her fear, Cinder threw her tea in summer, luckily it had cooled down a bit, but it was still hot, like a hot bath. It didn’t cause any issue to summer, beside it being a mess, but her face changed from that of caring, to angry. Expecting to be hit, cinder held her arms above her head… but nothing came

Teen cinder:”...”

Summer:”...*now looking confused and crossing her arms*what are you doing”

Teen Cinder:”s-shielding myself from your hit*putting her arms down a bit to show her scared eyes*y-you were about to hit me, right?”

Summer:”oh heavens no, i'd never hit a person for simply acting in self-defense, well, unless I was supposed to because we were fighting or training or something like that. *angry look again*I was just mad because i just got this cleaned*sighs*all well, nothing I can do now”

Teen Cinder:*confused*”you’re not mad”

Summer:”oh I'm furious, but I won’t hit you for something like this, what happened to you to make you like this. I was simply walking to you to comfort you, I didn’t mean to scare you, again”

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now