The Darkness Turns To Light(salem x male reader)

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Your Pov

It was a dark day, it was raining and the sky was clouded by gray. I had just finished a mission for my queen, salem. She took me in not too long ago, about a year ago, and ever since then I've been fighting by her side. I'll admit, I don't like all this killing we're doing, but if it's for her then it's worth it. Right now I was heading back to base when I saw this little girl, she was holding a sword and dragging it weakly. I was about to walk past her when she fell, I caught her and realized she was burning up with a fever. Without a second thought, I picked her up and took her to the base. I brought her to my room and took care of her. I let her lay in my bed and used my flames to heat the blankets enough to warm her. As I was taking care of her, Salem came into my room.

Salem:"y/n, who is that"

Me:"a child, i don't know her name, she just collapsed suddenly and so i brought her here in hopes to help her"

Salem:"your soft side is showing"

Me:"so is your nest, oh wait that's just your hair"

Salem:"are you mocking me"

Me:"no, im making fun of you, there's a difference"

Salem:"you know i could kill you right now if i wanted to"

Me:"but you won't, you love me too much"

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that me and her have been dating for about a month now, it's a steady relationship, she practically spoils me, and I treat her like the queen she is.

Salem:"that doesn't mean I still can't do it"

Me:"never doubted you would, i know my limits"

Salem:"right, and the child, why help her"

Me:"heh, honestly, i don't know, i just saw her faint, next thing i know she's here and i'm taking care of her"

Salem:"...y/n, were you a father at one point"

Me:"...yeah, well, i almost was, i've told you about my ex right?*she nods* Before we separated we were expecting, I was over the moon. I did everything to make sure that our baby would be happy when they came to this world, but, the baby never came, it was a miscarriage."

Salem:"well, i'm sorry to hear that"

Me:"yeah, after that my ex and i got into a lot of arguments about it, eventually we decided it was better to just split up, then i started adventuring, then i met you, now i'm happy again. What brought up the question though"

Salem:"nothing, you just seemed so fatherly towards her, i thought you might have had some experience"

Me:*smiles and pets the girls head*"i wish, you know, i did hope for a girl, maybe this is the world giving me a second chance at father hood"

Salem:*trying, and failing, to hide a smile*"well then you better do it right, she may stay, but your responsible for her"

Me:"yes ma'am, also, you're bad at hiding that smile"

She was about to make a comment when a groan was heard, we turned our heads to see the girl start to wake up. She was extremely weak and could barely turn her head, when she turned to us her eyes widened and in a state of panic she tried to get away, only to fall back on the bed.

Me:"hey, calm down kid, we're not gonna hurt you, im y/n Fall, why don't you tell us your name little one"


RWBY one shots x male readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora