Birthday To Remember(weiss x male reader)

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A/n:this is in the real world, no magic, no Grimm, salems not evil or even mentioned, faunus still exists though because I find them cute and I love them. Also, happy birthday to Weiss, aka best girl. Also, also, I got sick today and I have final exams next week and the week after so I won't, probably, be uploading a story until June. Sorry for the inconvenience, I uploaded this one because I love Weiss, shes my favorite character, but I feel like shit right now, so enjoy this, im gonna go die now, see yall in June, hopefully sooner.

Your pov 

Tomorrow was Weiss' birthday and I, as her four year boyfriend, have put it upon myself to make sure it's the best birthday ever, better than last year. I asked all our old friends for help, even the ones that live in vale, which is way far out since we live in Atlas.

Me:*on a phone call with yang and blake in our living room*"are you sure you two can make it in time"

Yang:*over the phone*"of course we can, what makes you say that"

Me:"I still haven't gotten my tool box or my book back, which I needed both because the book was a mechanic book, and I needed to fix my bike... three years ago"


Blake:*over the phone*"ill um, set an alarm"

Yang:"and i'll bring your stuff back when we come to visit"

Me:*sigh*"don't bother, I already bought new ones"


Just then Weiss opened the front door, I immediately said bye to the two and hung up just as she was entering. She saw this and gave me a questioning look.

Weiss:"um, im home"

Me:"welcome back babe, how was work"

Weiss:"fine, who was that on the phone"

Me:"oh, just yang and blake, nothing to big, so whatcha do at work today"

Weiss:"computer work, what were you talking about"

Me:"uuuuum, just, stuff"

I am not helping my case, I can see Weiss' face get angrier every time I speak. As she crossed her arms and glared at me, I sigh, walk over to her, and hug her. This worked a little because I felt her relax into the hug and hugged me back.

Me:"Weiss, you know I'd never hurt you, it really was just yang and blake, you can ask them yourself. It's just, we were having a private conversation that I didn't want you to know about yet, but I promise I'll tell you tomorrow"

Weiss:*hugs me tighter*"promise"

Me:"I sware on my grave"

Weiss:"...*sigh* fine, it's just, you don't usually secrets from me, what's so important about this one"

Me:"i'll tell you that tomorrow, *separating the hug* now go wash up, i'll get dinner ready"

I give her a gentle kiss before letting her go, as she goes out of view I sigh in relief of not being caught. After that, I got dinner started, I decided to make her second favorite meal, and then her all time favorite tomorrow. Her second favorite meal was, ironically, ribs and fries, yeah, not very like her to like such messy food like ribs. As I was cutting the potatoes, I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her head laid on my back.

Weiss:*nuzzles my back*"it smells good, what are you making"

Me:"your second fav"

Weiss:*moves to my side with a glint of happiness in her eyes*"ribs and fries?"

RWBY one shots x male readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora