A Rose Love For A Flame(ruby x male reader)

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Random person 1(rp):"hey y/n, come sit with us"

Me:"Sorry, but no thank you, I'd like to sit with my team, maybe some other time"

They sigh as I continue my walk through the cafeteria with my tray, looking for my team. Ya see, im actually an extra member. I did really well on the entrance exam, however, they made a miscalculation and I didn't have a partner. So instead I was assigned to an already existing team. Thanks to my exam though, I got quite the attention, apparently taking down 5 Goliath Grimm all by myself is impressive to people.

Ruby:*waving her hand to me*"y/n, over here"

Me:*setting my tray in front of her*"hey rubes, where are the others"

This was ruby, my leader, and the girl I had a crush on, she was clumsy and had issues talking to new people, but I found her adorable.

Ruby:"they said they'll get here late today, something about a clothes sale or something, I don't know, it was something about clothes"

Me:"ugh, boring, hey guess what I figured out to do today"

Ruby:"ooooo, what"

I then summon a small blue flame in my hand, this was my Semblance. I have the ability to summon blue flames in which I could change the temperature. I could also make it solid, so it was my weapon as well. I morph the small flame in my hand into a lifesize Crescent rose in scythe form, making rubys eyes widen in joy.

Ruby:"you finally did it!"

Me:"hehe, sorta, I'm still working on how to transform it to gun form, but the blueprints you gave me are really helping"

Ruby:"it looks so cooool, can I please hold it"

Me:*handing it to her*"of course, careful though, it's a lot lighter than Crescent because it's made of flames"

Ruby:*playing with flame Crescent*"ugh, please don't go into the science of it, again"

Me:"what, don't like my science facts"

Ruby:"y/n, I know you come from a long line of scientists, but science is boring"

Me:"Hey at least I'm not a weapon dork like you"

Ruby:*putting one hand on her hip as the other holds flame Crescent*"that's weapon geek to you, mister, hehe"

Me:"hehe, you're such a dork"

Ruby:"and yet you still hang with me"

Me:"never said I hated it now did i"

She shrugs and continues to mess with flame Crescent, a few seconds later this random team walks up to me.

Rp 2:"hey, we saw you here alone and thought we might ask you to come to sit with us"

Me:"oh um, thank you but, I'm not alone, I'm actually sitting with my team today so, sorry I can't do that"

I point over to ruby who seems to be getting upset, the random team looks at her with a surprised look.

Rp 3:"oh wow, she's so small we didn't even notice her"

Rp 4:"and is that your weapon, what is that"

Me:"actually, it's my weapon, can you four please leave, your making my friend uncomfortable"

Rp 5:"she hasn't said anything"

Me:"shes shy and won't admit it, please leave"

Rp 2:*touching my shoulder*"oh come on handsome, we can show you a fun time compared to her"

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now