A Familiar Situation(sienna x male reader)

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A/n: I dont know how old Sienna is and I can't find it online, so for the sake of this story please pretend that both you and Sienna are somewhere in your late 20's.


Your pov

I am a lowly human… that somehow found himself on menagerie, surrounded by Faunus that want me dead. Obviously they quickly overpowered me, granted I didn't put up much of a fight, and they brought me to this tiger Faunus. 

Me:'weird, I thought the leader was a male, and Blake's dad, she looks nothing like blake'

???:"you, tell me why you're here"

Me:"i'd like to know that too, I was trying to go back to beacon from atlas and somehow I ended up here… where am I exactly"

Sienna:"... I am Sienna khan, this is the White Fang headquarters, I am the current leader of the white fang. Now then, who are you"

Me:"my names y/n l/n, i'm a teacher at Beacon, I was heading over there because the new semester is starting up, but I guess I got on the wrong boat"

Sienna:"I can see that"

Me:"but um, yall, were a lot nicer than my last kidnappers*holds up my tied hands* yall used rope instead of metal"

Sienna:"why is that a good thing"

Me:"well you see, my Semblance is fire, and rope is easier to get off than metal"

With that I burned the rope off and made my way to the exit, I was so close, but sadly a metal chain wrapped around my body and made me fall to the ground just before I could get there.

Sienna:"not so fast human-"

Me:"I have a name you know"

Sienna:"I don't care, you and your race have mocked mine for too long, I think i'll use you for ransom money"

Me:"hah, good luck with that, my family died years ago, nobody loves me*to a random guard* can you believe her, she thinks I'm worth something"

Sienna:"thats, that's not something to celebrate over"

Me:"oh I know, i'm just using it as a way to cope with my sadness and now fear"

Sienna:"... are you ok"

Me:"mentally or physically because the answer to that is no"

Sienna:"to the mentally part or the physically part"


Sienna:"...whatever, hmm, if I can't use you for ransom, I guess ill make you my slave"

Me:"sorry, oz already owns all the teachers, you'll have to talk to him if you want me to be your slave"

Sienna:"seriously, are you ok, are all humans like you, if so how are we losing"

Me:"oh im fine, i'm just going through this thing called, "depression", but to answer your other questions, no not all humans are like this, yet, and I don't know, how are you guys losing. I for one find y'all very cool, when I was little i-"

Sienna:"I don't want to hear it"

Me:"well you asked, I was just answering"

Sienna:"well it was boring, *to the guards* take him to a cage and lock him up"

Me:*they stop as I speak up*"hold up, cage, why I don't want to go in a cage, that sounds lame as hell"

Sienna:"well guess what, human, us Faunus didn't get a choice in the mines when you held the rains"

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now