A Dragons love(yang x male reader)

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Your pov
I was currently looking through the window next to my bed ridden self. It had been a while since the fall of Beacon, since I lost my arm to protect yang from Adam's blade. I had pulled her away just in time to protect her, but my arm paid for it. Speaking of Yang, as I was thinking, she opens the door to her room slightly. Since the fall I was staying at her place since my parents were Huntsmen and couldn't stay home to take care of me.
Me:*smiles*"you know this is your room, you don't have to be so shy to enter"
She says nothing but nods and walks over to sit at the edge of her bed. Me and yang have been dating since around the time Blake confessed she was a Faunus so it was decided I'd sleep here so I don't take up a bed. Tai didn't seem to mind since I'd been with her for a while. 
Yang:"...how's, *points to my stub where my right arm should be* you know"
Me:*raises it*"all good captain, just need to get out of bed soon"
Yang:"...how are you not affected by all this"
Me:"yang, we lost a lot of good people, some even being our friends, but we can't let that affect how we see the future. If we keep living in the past, we'll have wasted our future. I'm not going to lie and say this doesn't affect me, but if I let it control me then I'm never going to get anywhere"
Me:"hey, come on, what's with all the silence, you used to be the loudest person in our friend group if I remember"
Me:"...*sigh* yang, it's not your fault, please stop blaming yourself"
Yang:*surprised*"what, how did you know"
Me:"Come on, it's me, i'm your awesome boyfriend, of course I know when my equally awesome girlfriend is doubting herself"
Yang:*slight smile*"im, not that awesome"
Me:*leans forward to give her a hug*"yes you are, you're an amazing person and an equally amazing girlfriend*kisses her neck, she gains a bigger smile* there's the smile i love"
Yang:"how'd i get so lucky with you"
Me:"I could say the same about you. So, how's everyone doing"
Yang:"ruby sent another letter, she said to get your butt out of bed"
Me:"heh, of course she did"
Yang:"Jaune lost their map and they had to go all the way back to the last village they visited"
Me:"classic Jaune"
Yang:*sigh*"and, Blake still hasn't even shown her face yet"
That's when my mode changes, luckily for me, yang's not as good as I am at telling what is wrong with the significant other.
Yang:"she could have at least left a note or something"
Me:"maybe she just went home like we did"
Yang and Blake were close, sometimes even closer then me and yang, I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me. I wasn't one to get jealous easily, but after the fall, the only thing Yang talks about is Blake.
Yang:"well, yeah, but she still could have told us that, we're her teammates, we should talk to each other about this"
Me:"maybe she didn't want anyone to follow, im sure she had her reasons yang"
Yang:*stands up, breaking the hug*"well then what are they, im her friends, ruby's her friend, Weiss is her friend, you are her friend... why can't she just trust us"
Me:"I, I don't know"
Yang:*sigh*"i'm sorry I got worked up, hey, i'm going down stairs to get a drink, you want anything"
Me:*fake smile*"your fine, and root beer please"
She nods and leaves, I wave as she does, but once the door closes I sigh, drop my hand to my side, and lay down completely on the bed.
Me:*sigh*"if only I didn't lose my stupid arm, maybe then I could've done something... who are ya kidding y/n, your useless, you couldn't have done anything"
Around others I'd act happy and cheerful, but really, this was affecting me a lot. A few more days pass and I'm up and walking again. Right now on the couch with yang snuggled up to my side as we watched a movie. Just then the door opens and Tai walks in with a big package and a wide smile.
Me:"wow, what did you steal to get that smile"
Tai:"with how low I got this for it might as well be a steal, but it's not for me*puts it in front of me on the coffee table*it's for you"
Me:"oh, tai, ya didn't have to, it's not even my birthday"
Tai:"hey, you saved and protected my girls, this is the least I could do, now open it"
I nod and open the box to see a robot arm inside. My eyes widened and I looked back at tai.
Me:"sir, this is to much, are you sure"
Tai:"call me tai, y/n, we've been over this, and yes, i'm sure, you should really be thanking Ironwood though, practically just gave the thing to me when I said it was for you"
Me:"well, thank you, tai"
I look back at the arm and reach for it, i'll finally have my arm back, I can be useful again, I don't need to rely on oth-
Yang:*stopping my hand*"hold up, are you sure about this, it won't be bothering"
Me:"what do you mean yang, i'll have my arm back, I'd go back to being normal"
Yang:*points to my stub*"this is the new normal, you shouldn't try to change that, please, just think about it a little longer"
Me:"...fine, i'll think about it"
Yang:*smiles*"thank you, *stands up and picks up the box*i'll take this upstairs to our room then"
She leaves and as she does I lay back on the couch with a sigh.
Tai:"I know she's my daughter and all, but you need to grow a pair and tell her about all this"
Oh yeah, and um, tais the only one who knows how I really feel due to him threaten- I mean, finding out on his own that I was sad. He and I actually act like bros because of this.
Me:"hell, no, I almost died once, i'm not going through that again"
Tai:"well not if your truthful with her, just talk to her kid, otherwise you'll end up like me"
Me:"sad, depressing, alone, pathetic, and stupid?"
Tai:"...I was just going to say alone, damn kid, is that really how you think I see myself"
Me:"oh, sorry"
Tai:*sigh*"no, it's fine, you are right, anyways, im gonna, i'm gonna cook dinner"
I nod but just then I hear glass shatter on the floor. My first thought was "how the fuck Weiss got here with a mirror" my second thought was-
Me:*getting off the couch and going to the kitchen*"oh shit, yang!"
I get there to see Yang squinting her eyes shut and holding her right arm tight as her right hand forms a first. Seeing this I go over there and pull her into a hug, well, to the best of my abilities. A few seconds after she returns the hug and starts crying into my chest.
Yang:"im sorry*sniff* i'm so, so sorry"
Me:"shhh, its ok, you're ok, hey, look, i'm still alive, and that because of you, you saved me as much as I saved you. In a sense, we saved each other so don't cry for something like this. Save them for when they really matter"
Yang:"how do you do it? How are you able to forgive me so easily, e-everyday I wake up next to you and think one day you might leave before I do, so why don't you?! I hurt you so badly"
Me:"and I'd lose all my other limbs if it meant protecting you, please calm down i know you think it hurts me but it doesn't"
Yang:"yes it does, you do realize I live here too, you and dad aren't the only ones here. I've heard your conversations with him, I know you're hurting right now....*sniff* I was just waiting for you to tell me so yourself, why didn't you"
Me:"...yang, I love you, I really do, and I know that you look to me for emotional strength when you're sad, and I know you're sad right now. I don't want to hurt you more than you already are"
Yang:"but why didn't you tell me"
Me:"I was just, worried, I guess"
Yang:"about what"
Me:"losing you"
Yang:*slightly breaking the hug*"what, y/n you can't lose me, why would you ever think that"
Me:"...yang, I say this with utmost seriousness but, do you, like Blake more than me"
Me:"w-well, it's just, you've always been really close to her, and since the fall that's all that ever seems to be on your mind. Im just worried that if im not enough, you might leave me for her"
Expecting the worst I turn my head away from her in shame.
Yang:"...pft, hahaha, really, that's it? Hahaha"
Me:*as she continues to laugh*"this was um, not the reaction I was expecting, and what do you mean "really, that's it", im serious yang"
Yang:"haha, you have to be joking, y/n, me and Blake are just friends, she's my teammate though, so of course im worried about her non stop. Unlike ruby or Weiss, none of us know where she is because she never told us. *holds my hand* I love you y/n, I will always love you and only you"
Me:"...*blushes as I hide my face in the crook of her neck, she hugs my head* I love you"
Yang:"I love you too"
Tai:*leaning on the doorway*"aw, how cute"
Me:"what the hell man, you ruined the moment"
Tai:"well I need to start cooking so unless you all want to starve I had to now get out of my kitchen"
Yang/me:"yes sir"
Me and yang then headed up stairs to her room to just relax. However, when we got there my eyes immediately landed on the robot arm Yang had set near a window.
Yang:"alright so what do you want to do, we can cuddle or*turns to see me staring at arm, she looks at then at me with a serious look*no"
Me:"why not, I think it'll be fine"
Yang:"y/n no, you don't need it, you're fine like this"
Me:"no im not yang, I could be so much more useful if I had it, I know I don't need it, but it'll help us"
Yang:"no, you can't put that on"
Me:"why not"
Yang:"because look at you, you're even more broken then I am, if you put that on you'll rely on it too much. You'll get so used to it that when its gone you'll feel empty again and I don't want that for you"
Me:"yang, I won't, I just need practice, please let me wear it, please"
Yang:"...just, give me time to think about it now"
Me:"yes, thank you, see this is why your the best"
Yang:"hehe, *kisses my lips* and this is why you are, now, I really need cuddles and movie time right now"
Yang:"sure, I heard it's pretty good"
Me:*picking her up with one arm over my shoulder and spinning to the bed*"🎶we don't talk about bruno no no no🎶"
Yang:"haha, hey, put me down"
Me:*dropping her on the bed and laying next to her*"🎶we don't talk about brunooooo🎶"
Yang:*as I cuddle up next to her and get the movie ready to watch on her Scroll*"hehe, dork"
Me:"ah yes, but your dork, and your stuck with me"
Yang:"heh, good"
I smiled and we watched the movie, little did yang know i'd be singing those songs for the next month at random just to annoy her. It was now late at night and I was waken from my sleep by yang in her pj's
Me:"...oh I've died and gone to heaven, *finger guns*because I see an angel"
Yang:"oh man I love you, but that's not the point now get up, we're going outside"
Yang:"just because"
Me:"terrible explanation but sure why not"
I walked with her outside, she told me she forgot something inside and headed back before coming out with the box for the robot arm.
Yang:"well y/n, I thought it over, and decided, I shouldn't be the one to make this decision, you should, i'm sorry I pushed what I thought on you, I just worry for you a lot"
Me:"your fine, I understand, it's just part of the boyfriend/girlfriend job, worrying for the other"
Yang:"heh, yeah, a-anyways, i'm gonna let you choose to use this or not, but you have to promise me you won't let it get to your head, it's not your real arm, you can live without it"
Me:"I promise*she smiles and hands the box to me* well, now the last thing to do is put it on and test it out"
She nodded and helped me put it on, once it was on, it functioned like my old arm and hand, it was amazing. Yang had told me she brought me outside because she knew I was going to choose to put it on and wanted to see what it could do... I broke lots of trees that night. The next day me and yang made plans to find her mom and make her take us to ruby. Tai found out and started training us until we left.
Tai:*as I walks towards yang who was on her bike ready to leave*"hey y/n"
Tai:"can you do me a favor and, just look after my girls for me, especially yang, you know how she can be"
Me:"hm, with all due respect Tai, I can't do that, they don't need someone to protect them, they just need someone to be there for them"
Tai:"heh, yeah, I guess you're right, then in that case, do me a favor and be there for them, they mean a lot to me y/n"
Me:"Hey man, no need to worry, I'll be there for yang through thick and thin, no matter what. I'll be there for her, and her family, that includes ruby, don't worry Tai, she's in safe hands with me"
Tai:"I, highly doubt that seeing as you almost burnt the house yesterday because you forgot to take the plastic bag off the toaster oven when making pizza rolls yesterday"
Me:"...you gotta admit, it was pretty fire"
Tai:"can you please hurry up and marry my daughter already"
Me:*walking away*"working on it, see you when I see ya"
After what seemed like forever, we found Raven's tribe, Weiss was there too so we helped her out, raven let us go, then we had to fight her at haven, I almost died, twice... good times. We left and headed to atlas after that and went through a roller-coaster of emotions. Ruby was finally able to stop Salem and me and yang decided to travel a bit before settling down, we lived happily ever after.

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