Promises Were Made To Be Broken

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*TRIGGER WARNING* Description of violence


Outside, Technoblade called out for his sibling, "Y/N?" He spun around, trying to find them.

Y/N turned around, "Techno?"

Technoblade burst into the house and checked every room until he found Y/N, "Y/N, are you okay?" He walked over and hugged them. He was confused about why Tubbo and Ranboo weren't home, but he was more focused on Y/N. Y/N turned back around to see Dream, but he was gone. It was only Y/N and Technoblade. They were alone. "Y/N?" Technoblade tried to grab their attention.

"But he was-" Y/N, confused, said, "I have to go."

"Go? Go where?" Y/N started to walk away, but Technobalde grabbed their arm, "Go where, Y/N? I'll come with you."

Y/N pulled their arm back, "No," they shouted at Technobalde, "You'll just be in the way." They didn't want Technoblade in the crossfire. If Dream is willing to hurt Michael, an innocent child, he won't hesitate to harm Technoblade. They didn't want to risk losing their brother.

"You're not going anywhere until I know you're alright. Where's Tubbo? He's the one who called me," he said, keeping a stern tone.

"Tubbo?" Y/N paused, "Tubbo!" they shouted and grabbed Technobalde's arm, "You need to go help him. He's going to hurt Michael."

"Who's chasing them, Y/N?"

"I- I don't know how to explain it right now. Just help Tubbo. I'll meet you at home," they studdered.

Technobalde looked Y/N in the eye, "Promise me."

"I promise I'll meet you at home, Techno."

Technoblade fought with himself before agreeing, "Fine. I better see you at home Y/N, you promised." He kneeled and hugged Y/N, "I'm glad you're okay." He bolted out the front door to catch up with Tubbo and Michael.

I'm sorry, Technoblade. I promise you'll see me at home, just not as soon as you think. They thought to themself.


Y/N starts walking to the prison. Once outside, they called out for the warden, "SAM!" they shouted, standing at the front doors.

Sam emerged with his trident held high, "Y/N?" he was confused, "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk with Dream; it's important," they said.

Sam sighed. He took a deep breath before answering, "You know I can't let you do that, Y/N."

Y/N walked closer to him, shaking their head, "You don't understand; if I don't speak with him right now, Michael will die."

Sam's eyes widened with fear for the young Piglin, "W- what?" he studdered.

"I need to speak with him, now."

Sam gave in. He lowered his trident and let Y/N in, "Fine," he spoke in a firm tone, "But you'll need to sign some stuff first." He led Y/N inside the prison and had them sign countless waivers before passing the lobby. Even though Y/N was the Minecraft family's youngest, Sam knew he needed to be extra cautious. If anything happened to them, he would have an entire war waged against him with some of the strongest people in the land. After Y/N signed all the waivers, Sam took Y/N through the prison and to the primary cell, Dream's cell.

"Okay, I can't go in with you. Listen, if anything happens, you yell. You yell as loud as you possibly can. I'll get you out." Sam studied Y/N's face. He wanted to make sure they were listening to everything he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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