A Phone Call to Remember

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As Phil and Wilbur walked ahead, Techno carried Y/N, trailing behind the two. As they got closer Phil turned to Wilbur, "Wil, I need you to go fly and find Eret. Tell him to bring his potion stuff with him. Then meet us back at the house."

"Okay, I'm on it," Wilbur said as he took off to find Eret.

Phil continued to walk while Techno walked by his side still carrying Y/N. They stayed silent for some time. Techno was just relieved that he had Y/N back and to know that they were safe. Phil on the other hand just wanted Y/N to be able to move for themself again. He wanted to deny the fact that they didn't have wings anymore but wanted to think that they could get them back. "You doing okay there Y/N?" he asked.

"Umm... Yes?" they answered. Phil nodded and moved on.

"I'm sorry about your wings, maybe there's some way Sam can help," Phil tried to comfort them.

"My what?"

Techno jumped in, "Your wings Y/N."

"You mean like Dadza's wings?"

"No Y/N," Phil shook his head, "Your wings, not mine, yours."

Phil and Techno looked at each other as the tension in the air thickened. They decided to not confuse Y/N anymore and stay quiet the rest of the way home.


Wilbur landed at Eret's house and began excessively knocking on his door, "Eret," he shouted, "It's Wil, are you Home?"

Eret casually walked to his front door and opened it, "Oh, hey Wilbur. Why do you look so sweaty?"

"Eret, I need your help, could you come with me? Oh, and bring some of your potion things with you."

"Oh, uh sure thing, are you hurt?" he asked.

"Not me," Wilbur shook his head no, "Y/N. Dream did something and they can't move."

Eret became concerned, "Paralysis?"

Wilbur tired to explain, "In a way. Dream is in control of all their movements. I-it's complicated."

Eret started to panic, "No, no, no," he rushed inside his house and to his bookshelf. Wilbur followed.

"What? Can you not fix them?"

Tunnel vision consumed Eret as he threw books off his shelf. He looked and looked for something until he shouted, "He stold it," he slammed the last book on the shelf to the ground, "Damn it!"

"Eret, what is the problem?" Wilbur said confused.

"That little- he- I will-"

Wilbur shook Eret, "Who did what? What did they steal? How does this affect Y/N?"

"Dream," his voice deepened, "He stole my book. There's one copy of that book and it was given to me. No one else knew I had it. How did he know?"

"Hold on, I'm lost. What does the book do?"

Eret was boiling with rage, "Wilbur, Dream stole my book. The book has the recipes for potions and enchnatents. One of them is a potion of brainwashing and the other is an enchantment for controlling others."

"And Dream has this book, the only copy of it," Wilbur felt lightheaded.

Eret grabbed Wilbur's shoulder, "Yes. Take me to Y/N then we can deal with Dream."

"How are you going to help Y/N if you don't have the book?" Wilbur worried.

"Wil, I have potions memorized, jeez. Do you have zero faith in me or what?"

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