The Damages

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Y/N sat on the floor, their arms flailing all over the place as Techno tried to grab them. The flashbacks along with seeing Ranboo was too much for them to handle all in one day. Y/N was still recovering from the cliffs accident and hadn't had a chance to recover from the PTSD from the last incident. As Y/N freaked out on the floor Techno managed to grab their arms and hold them still, "Y/N," he yelled, "Hey, it's me, you're okay!"

Eret walked inside since Ranboo left the door open, "Uhh, hello? The door was unlocked," he looked around to find Techno and Y/N in the hall, "Techno?" he rushed over to help, "What's going on?"

"Ranboo, that's what's going on," he said looking at Eret frustrated.

Eret spent no time hesitating, "Y/N, Ranboo isn't here, you're okay, please, calm down."

Y/N's eyes widen, they looked at Techno and started to cry. Techno held Y/N and looked at Eret; Eret was filled with concern for many different reasons, Y/N was struggling mentally, but by the looks of it, they were struggling physically. Y/N fell asleep pretty fast in Techno's arms after they started crying. He picked up Y/N and took them to their room and put them down in their bed. He turned off the light and closed the door so Y/N could sleep in peace. 

Eret and Techno sat to talk in the dining room. "Thanks for the help Eret, why'd you come over?" Techno asked.

"Well I came over to check on Y/N's injuries, mainly their wings since they took the most damages, but just by looking at their wings when I came in it looks like they've gotten worse," Eret explained.

Techno was worried, "Worse? No, how can that be? Eret they need to be able to fly again, soon. I don't think they'll make it much longer if they can't fly."

"What do you mean?" Eret said confused.

"What I mean is Y/N is severely depressed," Techno replied.

Eret was shocked, "Depressed? I was just speaking with Phil and he didn't say anything about this."

Techno started to become frustrated, "Well Phil hasn't been here." Eret was speechless. "All he does is go flying with Tommy and Wil, I'm the one down here with Y/N," he shouted, slamming his fist on the table. Techno took a deep breath, "Eret, can I be honest with you?"

"Yes, of course," Eret responded.

Techno fidged with his hands while staring down at the wooden table, "I'm scared for Y/N," he looked up at Eret, his eyes slightly watering, "It's like they're not even the same person anymore. They haven't been eating, they only sleep, they never smile anymore."

Eret stayed silent, Y/N's situation was only getting worse as time went by, "But what scares me most is what they told me the other day when they came home from Sam's," Techno stayed quiet as his eyes glossed over with tears.

"What did they say?" Eret asked.

"They said Phil should have left them down there at the cliffs. Then they said they wished that Ranboo had cut their wings off instead of cutting them up," Techno said as he fought back tears. "Phil's never around, Tommy and Wilbur are off in their own world, I don't know what to do anymore. Y/N's my sibling, Eret, I'm not their father, that's Phil's job."

"Techno-" Eret started.

"Phil cares about Y/N but his way of coping isn't the best, he only comes home at night and is gone before I wake up, Y/N's asleep all the time, they need their father, Eret, I can't be their father when I'm their brother."

Eret sighed, "Techno, I hate to say this but if Y/N's wings are getting worse then it could result in amputation."

"You mean cut them off," Techno asked for clarification.

Eret stayed quiet and nodded.

"Eret no, please, there has to be something you or Sam can do, anything," Techno pleaded.

"I need to see Y/N's wings to say for sure but if it's okay with you, may I stay until they wake up?" Eret asked.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," Techno said.

Techno and Eret sat in the dining room silently, waiting for Y/N to wake up. Two hours later Y/N woke up dazed and confused. "T- Techno?" they studdered.

Y/N walked into the dining room to see Techno and Eret staring at them. Eret smiled, "Hey, look who finally woke up."

"You doing alright, Y/N?" Techno asked.

Confused, Y/N responded, "Uhh, yeah, I guess. Why is Eret here?"

Eret turned his chair to face Y/N, "I'm here to look at your wings, make sure everything's healing properly."

Y/N rolled their eyes and walked over towards Eret and turned around to show their wings, "Whatever."

As Eret examined Y/N's wings Techno had to restrain himself from biting his nails. "Can you move them at all?" Eret asked.

"No," Y/N said with an emotionless tone.

Eret glances at Techno and continues to ask Y/N questions, "Okay, can you feel this?" Eret asked while moving Y/N's wings, "Now that you're not on the pain killers anymore, you should have some more feeling."

Y/N didn't respond, instead they stared off into space, "Y/N?" Techno said.

They snapped out of it, "Sorry, what was the question?"

"Can you feel your wings?" Eret asked again.

"Oh, no, I can't, I haven't felt them since I fell," Y/N said.

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple of days with something that should hopefully help with feeling them again," Eret explained. Eret left, promising to come back with a potion for Y/N.

Techno was concerned about Y/N, after walking Eret out Y/N hadn't moved from the same spot they were standing in. "Hey, you alight?" Techno asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just lost in thought that's all," Y/N said.

"Okay? Hey, later tonight, after Phil and the boys are asleep, meet me outside okay?" Techno said.

Confused and skeptical about what Techno was talking about, they responded, "Okay?"

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