A Visit To Sam's

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Technoblade walked into Y/N's room, mad after speaking with Tommy. "Y/N, let's go. We're leaving."

"What, where?" They asked.

"Anywhere but here."

Y/N could tell right away that Techno was genuinely upset and agreed to go with him. The two left the house and began walking. Awkward silence filled the air. Techno tried to fill the quietness. "Y/N, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, um..." Y/N wasn't sure what to say so they said the first thing that came to mind. "Can we go to the cliffs?"

Red flags set off in Technoblades mind. "The cliffs? Why do you want to go there?"

"Well, I haven't been there in forever. I miss the view. I think the last time I went there I must have been, I don't know, ten maybe."

Concerned about Y/N's memories, Techno tried to remind them, "Y/N, you were there not long ago remember? You fell when you were trying to fly again."

"Fly again?" Y/N shook their head. "I don't have wings, how could I fly without wings?"

Technoblades jaw dropped. "How about we go to Sam's and then go to the cliffs? Sound good to you?"

"Sam? Is that a new friend of yours?"

Technoblade answered quickly as to not make it seem suspicious. "Yeah, he's been wanting to meet you for a while now."

Y/N's eyes widened with excitement. "I'd love to meet him!"

Techno and Y/N walked to Sam's in silence. Y/N smiled the entire way there while Technoblade worried for them. Once there, Techno knocked on the door. Sam opened up surprised to see the two. "Hi Techno, I wasn't expecting you. Oh- and I see you brought Y/N with you."

"Hi Sam, my name is Y/N. I'm Techno's youngest sibling." They put their hand out to introduce themselves. "It's really great to meet you."

Techno forced a smile as his eyes pleaded. "May we come in for a moment?"

Sam shakes Y/N's hand. He looks to Technoblade and his pleading eyes. "Uh, sure." He moved aside, letting them enter.

Y/N looked around as if they had never set foot inside before. "You have a lovely house, Sam."

"Oh, thank you." Sam looked to Techno, confused at the situation he turned to Technoblade. "Hey Techno, will you come over here with me. I need some help getting a box down." He lies.

"Sure thing. Y/N, you stay here okay?" Techno spoke. Y/N smiled and nodded.

Sam and Techno walked away from Y/N and into a different room. "Okay, what's going on here Technoblade?"

"I don't know. After Dream threw that potion or whatever, Y/N has been losing their memories. They didn't know who Tubbo or Eret was, they didn't even remember where our home was."

"And you brought them here to see if I could help, yes?"

"Please. There has to be something you can do. I know you've already done so much but Sam if there's the slightest chance you could help-"

"Okay, let me see what I can do." Sam placed his hand on Techno's shoulder for reassurance.

Relief spread across Techno's face. "Thank you, Sam." Sam and Techno walk back into the room where Y/N was waiting. "Hey Y/N, could you come over here? Sam would like to get to know you a little."

Y/N walked over to Sam. He noticed Y/N's missing wings. "So Y/N, when did you lose your wings?"

"I've never had wings!" They exclaimed. "I don't know why everyone is saying I had wings. Techno and I both didn't inherit Dadza's wings."

"Right sorry, I just assumed you were born with some. Where do you live?"

Annoyed at the last question, Y/N tried to move on. "I live... live... I live with Techno and Dadza and my other two brothers, Tommy and Wilbur."

"We live in the spruce forest. Remember?" Techno asked.

"Yeah, I know that, Tech." They said not really knowing where that is.

Sam took a breath, he didn't want to ask the next question but he found it necessary. "Y/N, who's Dream?"

"Dreams are what you see when you sleep? Although I suppose some people think it's you in an alternate universe- yeah no. Dreams are what you see when you sleep."

Sam shook his head. "Not what are dreams, Who is Dream?"

Y/N began to back up toward Techno and away from Sam. "Am I being interrogated? What is this?" They turned to Technoblade. "Can we leave now? I'm not comfortable."

"Wait Y/N, I'm sorry." Sam put his hands up. "I'm the warden of the prison so I can be thorough with questions sometimes." He awkwardly laughed, desperate to keep Y/N here.

Technoblade looked at Y/N. Their face was scared and still backing away. He smiled to comfort them and said "Y/N, meet me outside, okay?" They nodded and left, still uncomfortable with Sam. They watched Y/N leave. Sam studied their missing wings and questioned how they have forgotten that they once flew above the clouds. Once Y/N was out of the room Technoblade turned back to Sam. "I'll bring them back when they're not on edge."

"Okay." He said. "But be safe."

Technoblade and Y/N met back up outside and began walking to the cliffs.

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