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Phil and Y/N walk inside their house to see Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy standing there waiting for them.

"Welcome home Y/N," both Wilbur and Tommy said in sync.

Y/N stood in front of them covered in stitches, bandages, and their wings wrapped up, annoyed they responded, "Yeah, thanks." They walk off to their room without saying another word.

Phil put down the bag of medicine Sam gave him on the dining room table. Techno makes eye contact with Phil. "Boys, could you meet me outside?" Phil asked Wilbur and Tommy.

Wil and Tommy both head outside while Phil and Techno both stay put to talk. Techno, concerned about Y/N asked, "They okay?"

"Other than the attitude, they'll be fine," Phil answered.

Techno tilted his head looking at Phil, "Cut them some slack, Phil, they lost a lot. You can't blame them for being mad."

"I know but they need to get over it, move on," Phil said.

"Get over it?" Techno said sounding offended, "Phil, how would you feel if you couldn't fly anymore and couldn't feel or move your wings?"

"I'd move on. There's nothing that can fix what has happened so there's no point in sulking on the past," Phil explained.

Techno became defensive, "The only reason any of this happened is because they were protecting an innocent child." Techno slowly started to become angry, "You don't get to be mad here. Y/N gets to be mad. Not you. Have fun flying with Tommy and Wilbur." Techno stormed off to Y/N's room. Phil sighed and went outside to meet up with the boys.

"It's just me," Techno said knocking on Y/N's bedroom door.

"Come in, Techno," Y/N said from the other side of the door.

Techno walked inside and closed the door behind him, "I can never understand what you're going through, but I'm here to listen." He stood next to Y/N's bed where they were sitting. "You've been through a lot and lost your wings, that's a lot for anyone to handle."

"I didn't lose my wings Techno, they're still there, I just can't feel or use them," Y/N said with an annoyed tone. 

Techno stayed silent, respectfully listening to Y/N, "I lost the one part of me that made me who I am. I lost everything. I may be alive, but I'm not living," Y/N explained. 

They started to feel frustrated, "I'll never be able to fly so high up that the thickness in the air changes, that the clouds are below me, that I can scream as loud as I need to without anyone hearing me." 

Y/N turned away from Techno, "Dadza should have left me down there." Techno froze, his jaw dropped, he wanted to say something but no words came out.

Y/N stood up and walked over to the window looking up in the air to see Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy flying, "Even now, after everything, they're still up there. Things will never be the same, anything Sam or Eret do can never fix my wings, I wish Ranboo had cut my wings off instead of cutting them up."

"You know Phil still loves you right?" Techno asked.

Emotionless, Y/N responded, "Yeah, sure."

Techno was concerned about Y/N, they weren't themselves anymore, they were cold and distant. Later that night Phil was cooking dinner, "Dinner is ready," he called out. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy all went to the dining room table and sat down. "Y/N?" Phil shouted. Y/N didn't come out. 

Phil started to panic thinking that Y/N had snuck out like last time when they went to the cliffs, he ran to Y/N's room and slammed the door open to see Y/N sitting upright in bed, "I'm not hungry. Will you please just leave me alone," Y/N said.

Relieved that Y/N was still here Phil asked, "Did you at least take the pain medicine Sam left for you?"

"Yup," Y/N said. Y/N's face was completely relaxed, their eyes halfway opened, their jaw unclenched. The pain medicine Y/N was taking helped with the pain but caused them to feel emotionless.

"And you're sure you're not hungry?" Phil asked once again.

"That's what I just said isn't it?" Y/N said in a snarky way.

Phil took a deep breath trying not to get mad at Y/N, "Okay." Phil left Y/N's room and closed the door. He walked back out to the dining room and sat down at the table to eat with the other boys.

"No Y/N?" Tommy asked.

"They said they weren't hungry," Phil said as he made his plate of food trying his best to stay calm.

Wilbur looked over at Techno knowing that Phil seemed mad. Techno discreetly shook his head no, that way Wilbur wouldn't say anything to make things worse. The four silently ate dinner. Afterward, Techno and Tommy went to bed, Phil headed outside and started to fly up past the clouds, Wilbur took notice and decided to follow him from a distance.

Phil screamed as loud as he could and broke down crying, "Why? Why couldn't it have been my wings? I shouldn't have left Y/N that day alone with Michael. It's all my fault. If I didn't leave they wouldn't have gone to the cliffs, they wouldn't be in this situation."

Wilbur flew closer to Phil, "Phil?" he said concerned.

Phil wiped the tears off his face, "Wilbur, what are you doing up here? It's late, you should be asleep."

"I could say the same thing, are you alright?" Wilbur said going closer to Phil trying to comfort him.

"I'm fine Wil, go back inside," Phil said.

"But Phil-" Wilbur started.

"Now Wilbur," Phil said in a stern tone.

Wilbur hesitated before heading back inside. Phil watched to make sure Wilbur was inside the house before he started to cry again. "How do I get Y/N through this, I can't help them here, I can't make them better, I'm useless, I don't know what to do," he said looking up at the sky. "I can't fix things this time," he said with a shaky voice. Phil screamed again, this time it was from frustration and anger from not knowing how to help Y/N. It was just Phil and the night sky, there was nothing Phil could do to help, nothing he could do to fix things, he decided to give Y/N some space but keep them close so they could cope with everything that had happened.

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