Stalling For Care

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Phil was carrying Y/N to Sam's as they were unconscious, covered in cuts and bruises. As he flew through the air he said, "Hang in there Y/N, we're almost there." When he landed at Phil's house he set Y/N down on the ground and went to up Sam's door. He banged and banged on the dark oak door with both of his hands, screaming, "SAM! SAM!" Tears streamed down his face as he waited for the door to open.

Sam walked out of his room to open the door. "Phil, it's almost ten o'clock at night," Sam said half awake. "What do you need that couldn't wait until-" he started. As he was talking to Phil he noticed Y/N on the ground, covered in dirt and cuts. "Phil, what happened?" he asked, unsure of what was going on.

A river of tears started to flood Phil's eyes, "There was an accident," he said. He picked Y/N up, his arms shaking.

"Bring them in here, you can put them on the couch," Sam said, letting Phil inside.

Phil placed Y/N on the couch. He held their hand, it was limp. His face red, tears dripping down his cheeks, "They have to be okay Sam, they have to be."

Sam rushed around his house, looking for his bag with medical supplies, "Let me grab some stuff, then you can tell me what happened."

As Sam looked for his bag Phil sat with Y/N, "I shouldn't have left you out of my sight after that day."

Sam came back into the room with his bag of medical supplies, as he looked through it, he realized he was missing a lot of pain meds from the last time Y/N got hurt. He started cleaning the cuts on Y/N with what he had on hand. He looked over to Phil, he noticed the way he was looking at Y/N, Phil felt incompetent, he couldn't do anything to help Y/N. "Phil, there is only so much I can do with what I have, I need some help, do you think you could go get someone for me, please?" Sam said.

Phil looked up at Sam, "You mean leave my kid here, hurt, alone."

"I'll be here, they won't be alone, you'll be helping them this way instead of feeling useless," Sam said.

He set Y/N's hand down across their body, Phil stood up, "Yeah, okay, who do you need me to get?"

Sam walked over to a table behind him to get a pen and paper, "Hold on, let me make a list of things that we need before you go."

As Sam wrote the list for Phil, he worried that Y/N could be in worse conditions than he thought. He added a few extra things to the list to make sure he would have everything he needed in case things got worse. "Okay, can you bring this list to Eret?" Sam asked, handing the list to Phil, "Also, bring Eret back with you. I could use the help."

"Okay, I'll be back then," Phil said as he took the list from Sam.

"Oh, and Phil, be fast. We could be on the clock and just not know it yet," Sam added as Phil headed out the door.

Phil turned around, "Right. You call me if anything happens Sam, that's my kid in there. I'll be back soon." Phil took off to find Eret, flying as fast as possible.

Sam walked over to Y/N, he continued to clean the cuts on Y/N. As he helped them, they laid there, unconscious from all the trauma. "Oh Y/N, what happened? I still have no idea. At least you're not as bad as the last accident." He paused to think, "Gosh, that must have been three months ago now." A rush of guilt flowed through Sam's mind, "I'm sorry I couldn't fix the damage to your wings. But every day I'm looking for a way to fix them. Every day."

Phil landed at Eret's house. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he went up to Eret's door, knocking until he opened the door.

Eret swung the door open, annoyed at the knocking. "Who is it?" he asked. As Eret looked at Phil, he could tell that Phil had been crying. He calmed his voice, "Phil, hey, you alright?"

Phil was sniffly, "Y/N was in an accident, Sam needs help and the stuff on this list." He handed Eret the list. "Will you help?" Phil asked.

Eret took the list and read it over, he looked back up at Phil and put his hand on Phil's shoulder, "Of course I will." Eret went back inside, Phil followed, "Okay, let me get the stuff and we can go." He grabbed a bag and started to fill it with the items from the list. As he rushed around the house gathering the stuff, Phil stood by the front door, eager to leave. Eret quickly gathered the rest of the needed materials and headed out the door with Phil. Phil took off and flew to Sam's, carrying Eret with him.

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