Yearning For A Chat

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Tubbo stood in the way of Ranboo, blocking the front door, "Ranboo wait-" he started before Ranboo cut him off.

"No Tubbo, it's my fault Y/N is hurt," Ranboo said trying to get past Tubbo and out the door.

"It was their decision to jump off the cliff, not yours," Tubbo said.

Ranboo became frustrated, "They jumped to try and fly again because I broke their wings, it's my fault."

Tubbo tried to convince Ranboo otherwise, "You were in an enderwalking state, it wasn't the real you."

"It was my axe, my hands, my actions that did this, I'm the reason they jumped. They were protecting Michael, our son, Tubbo," Ranboo exclaimed.

Tubbo stood still, speechless. "I'm leaving, I'll be back later," Ranboo said. He walked into the other room where Michael was playing and hugged him goodbye.

As Ranboo headed out the front door Tubbo stopped him one more time, "Ranboo, you haven't spoken or seen Y/N since you broke their wings."

"That's why I have to go see them, I have to say sorry," Ranboo explained.

Tubbo sighed, "Just promise me you'll leave if Y/N doesn't want to see you, please, don't make things worse for yourself."

"I promise," Ranboo said. Ranboo set off to go apologize to Y/N. 

Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were all out and Y/N is at home with Techno. Techno knocked on Y/N's door and opened it, "Y/N, I'm going to be in the garden, okay, just yell if you need me, alright?"

"Okay, thank you for letting me know but I think I'm just going to go to sleep," Y/N said sitting on their bed.

Techno was doing his best to support Y/N, he was concerned about them since they seem like they're spiraling into a dark hole. "Alright, but if you need anything, just yell for me," he said heading out to the garden.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at the front door. Y/N got out of bed to head to the door, "Did he lock himself out or something?" Y/N opened the door to find Ranboo standing in front of them.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Ranboo said nervously.

Y/N put their hand over their chest and started losing control of their breath. They started to back up and hyperventilate, Y/N started to remember Ranboo holding his axe, swinging it at their wings over and over again while they were protecting Michael. Y/N screamed at the top of their lungs, studdering they yelled, "T- Technoblade!" As Y/N retreated from Ranboo, they tripped over their own feet and fell down, landing on their broken wings that were still healing. Not seeing things straight and only remembering flashbacks they became delirious, "No, no, stop, please," Y/N began to cry, "Please."

Ranboo walked inside and got down on his knees to be at Y/N's height, "Y/N, calm down." He tried to grab Y/N's hands to stop them from freaking out.

Techno busts into the room to see Y/N on the ground and Ranboo grabbing their hands, he picks Ranboo up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, "What are you doing?" He yelled. Meanwhile, Y/N was still on the ground, their wings more damaged than before because they tripped and fell on them, they were in pain and having a PTSD episode.

Terrified Ranboo responded, "Techno, it's me, I'm awake, I'm not enderwalking!"

Furious Techno got closer to Ranboo, "I don't care if you're awake, what did you do to Y/N, why were they screaming?"

Studdering over his own words, Ranboo said, "I- I don't know, I came over to a- apologize to them and when t- they opened the door they freaked out."

This made Techno grow even madder, "Maybe they freaked out because three months ago you tried to kill them!" Techno was so close to Ranboo that they could feel each other breathing, "Phil may have forgiven you for what happened because you were enderwalking, but me, I'll never forgive you, you ruined their life."

"Techno, I just wanted to say-" Ranboo was cut off.

"You better leave now or you won't like where you end up," Techno said. "It's your fault that they can never fly again. Get out." Techno let go of Ranboo.

"I- I'm sorry," Ranboo said as he walked out the door.

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