The Caves

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Once at the caves, Y/N and Techno decided to sit by one of the pools of water. Technoblade began placing his hand in the water and swishing it around while Y/N paced around kicking small pebbles. He was concerned about them and wanted to be supportive but not overbearing. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked in a subtle tone.

Y/N turned to look at him, "No, not really."

Technoblade wanted Y/N to feel they had control, something they didn't have when under Dream's control. "Okay," he said, "What do you want to talk about?"

Y/N saw no better opportunity to bring up the awkwardness between him and Tommy, "Why are you mad at Tommy?" they asked.

"Tommy said something he shouldn't have."

Y/N wanted to know more, "Well, what did he say?" He hesitated, unsure if he should explain the situation or not. "Oh just tell me, Tech."

Y/N had a right to know what their brother said about them. Technoblade refused to sugarcoat it, "He called you a disgrace for losing your wings."

"Oh." Silence spread across the empty cave.

"He's wrong, it makes you stronger."

Y/N stopped him from saying more, "No, it makes me an idiot for losing them. How many elytrains do you know who've lost their wings?" Technoblade went silent trying to think of anyone. "None, exactly."

Technoblade stood up and walked toward Y/N, "Y/N, Tommy's wro-"

They cut him off, "No, he's right." Y/N left before Techno got any closer to them.

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