Waiting Is A Pain

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Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy were still at the house waiting for Phil to bring Y/N back, it had been hours. "Where are they? Shouldn't they be back by now?" Tommy asked. The three were very concerned as they eagerly sat at the table. "What if Phil didn't get there in time?" Tommy feared.

Trying to stay positive, Wilbur spoke up, "We don't know for sure if Y/N went to the cliffs. They could have gone anywhere. Besides, Phil is faster than any of us when flying."

"Wilbur's right, all we can do is hope for the best, Tommy," Techno said.

"But it's been hours," Tommy shouted, "I'm going out to find them." he stood up and started to head towards the front door.

Techno slammed his hands on the table and stood, "No. I'm in charge when Phil's gone. We wait here until we hear from him."

Tommy froze in place, he turned around and went back to his seat. As he sat down, only fear flushed through the air. The boys sat there in silence. The main phone rang and Techno jumped to his feet. He picked up the phone, "Hello?" he said with a nervous tone.

The person on the phone didn't speak English, they spoke piglin. Techno was confused at first, but once he realized he spoke back in piglin, "Michael, give the phone to Tubbo."

Tubbo could be heard as little Michael gave him the phone, "Wha- Michael, who did you call?" He took the phone, "Hello?"

"Tubbo, it's Techno, have you seen Phil or Y/N?" He asked.

"Well I haven't seen Y/N but I saw Phil flying earlier, I think he was headed towards Sam's house," Tubbo answered.

"What time?" Techno said anxiously.

Tubbo hesitated, "Uh, maybe around nine or so, why?"

"Headed to Sam's around nine, got it, thanks Tubbo," Techno hung up the phone. He up the phone down and walked towards the boys, "We're going to Sam's."

"Why are we going to Sam's?" Tommy asked.

As Techno put his shoes on, he answered back, "Tubbo said he saw Phil flying there around nine or so, if he's going to Sam's that could mean one of two things. One, he's asking people if they've seen Y/N, or two, Y/N is hurt and he's taking them there." The boys all go their shoes on and were out the door in minutes.

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