A Favor

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"A favor?" Wilbur panicked and thought the worse, "What kind of favor? You don't want me to take you to see Dream do you?"

"What, NO!" they shouted. "But I was wondering if you could take me somewhere."

Wilbur put his hand on his chest and let out a relieved sigh, "Okay, good. Where do you want to go then?"

"Well, it sounds stupid, so don't laugh, okay?" they smirked.

"Okay?" Wilbur was curious about where they wanted to go if it wasn't to confront Dream.

Y/N took a deep breath and just said what they wanted, "I want you to fly me up into the clouds, as high as you can, and drop me."

Wilbur's jaw fell to the floor, "What?" he was concerned with the way Y/N was thinking, especially right after Puffy cleared them. "You want me to just drop you out of the sky?"

"Well, catch me, obviously, but I want to be up there, just for a moment. To remember what it's like to be so high up. The feeling of falling but having control of when to stop. It's everything to me."

Wilbur understood. He remembered Y/N used to fly so high up that Phil would yell at them to come down, but they would fall instead. The feeling of adrenalin running in your veins is what Y/N was looking for. "Oh, I get it now. When do you want to do this?" Wilbur agreed.

Y/N was shocked that they got him to agree, "Later, tonight maybe. I just need to feel like myself again. That's something that therapy can never give me."

Wilbur nodded his head, "Yeah, okay. I'll do it. I'm assuming you don't want Dadza to know about your little plan?"

Y/N got excited, "Really? Oh, thank you, Wil. Yeah, please don't tell Dadza. He'll just try and stop me and freak out."

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