Accidents Happen

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Three Months Ago-

Tubbo and Ranboo asked Phil if he could babysit Michael for them while they were going out for a few days and couldn't take him along. Phil agreed, knowing that he would be home with Y/N and the boys.

It was getting late at night, Tommy and Wilbur were out flying, Techno went out and said that he wouldn't be back for a few hours, Phil needed to run an errand but couldn't leave Michael in the living room without supervision, so he knocked on Y/N's door. "Y/N, can you do me a favor and watch Michael for me while I go out for something real fast? I promise I'll be back before you know it," Phil said.

Y/N put their book down and came out of their room, "Sure, where is he?"

Phil smiled, happy that Y/N was willing to help, "He's just in the living room playing with his toys. Thank you, I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay, be safe," Y/N said.

Phil put his coat on and walked out the door. Y/N sat down next to Michael. The two were playing with Michael's toys when Ranboo walked through the front door. He was wearing a bandana around his eyes, dragging his axe beside him. Y/N turned their head, shocked to see Ranboo, "Ranboo? You're not supposed to be back for a few more days." Ranboo stayed silent and still. "Is everything alright?" Y/N asked.

Ranboo started talking in enderman, he sounded angry. He picked up his axe, no longer letting it drag beside him. He lifted it up and started walking towards Michael and Y/N. "R-Ranboo?" Y/N said nervously. "W-what are you doing?" Y/N asked as Ranboo walked closer. 

As he stood in front of Michael, he raised his axe, ready to swing it. Y/N quickly covered Michael with their wings, protecting them from Ranboo and his axe. Confused and scared Y/N realized that he was enderwalking, "Ranboo, wake up!" He stayed silent. 

Ranboo raised his axe and started swinging. He hit Y/N's wings over and over again. Y/N screamed out in pain as they continued to get hit. They refused to move so they could keep Michael safe. Eventually, Ranboo hit Y/N's head, "W-wake up Ranbo-" Y/N started to say as they became unconscious. Ranboo teleported away, Y/N fell over, no longer covering Michael with their wings. 

Michael walked over to Y/N, slightly shaking them to try and wake them up. Phil walked through the front door, "Y/N, I'm back," he shouted as he hung up his coat on the coat rack.  He could slightly hear Michael in the other room speaking Piglin. He walked into the living room, he looked down and saw Y/N on the floor, their wings covered in deep cuts, their head bleeding, he rushed over and slid on the wood tile floor, "Y/N!" he shouted. As Y/N remained unconscious Phil ran outside and called for Tommy and Wilbur to watch little Michael, before they could even say anything Phil was back inside picking up Y/N and rushing over to Sam's.

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