Impatient For Change

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As Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were soring through the air, cutting the wind with their wings, Y/N and Techno were sitting under a tree. Techno was reading his book as Y/N stared at their older brothers and father flying high in the clouds. Techno was the only one who didn't have wings in his family, he never inherited them so on days like this he would read his book and watch his family from a distance. Y/N turned to Techno and said, "Hey Techno?"

He put his book aside and responded, "Yes Y/N?"

As Techno and Y/N started to talk Phil noticed and flew down beside them. "Why can't I fly with them?" Y/N asked.

Phil interrupted, "You know exactly why you can't fly Y/N," he said in a firm tone crossing his arms.

As tears started to gloss over Y/N's eyes, they tried to reason with him, "But Dadza, don't you think I should at least try and-"

He cut Y/N off, "No. Techno, keep an eye on Y/N, don't try anything." Phil flew back up in the air with Wilbur and Tommy. Frustration glazed over Y/N. Their ears turned red and started to tingle, they stood up and took a few steps away from Techno.

"You alright?" Techno asked, concerned about Y/N as they paced around.

"It's just that I miss it," Y/N started to get mad, they yelled, "It's just not fair." They kicked a small rock that was in front of them. It flew across the field as Techno tracked it with his eyes.

"Y/N-" Techno started.

Y/N exclaimed, "I know." They took a deep breath, "I know. It's just not fair. I'm going inside." Y/N stormed off before Techno had a chance to say anything back. They went into their room and slammed the door shut. Phil flew back down to Techno when he realized that Y/N was gone.

"Techno," he said, "where's Y/N?"

"They went inside," Techno replied, picking up his book and opening to the page he left on.

Phil was confused, "Back inside? Why when it's such a nice day out."

Techno became annoyed, he could understand to an extent why Y/N was so frustrated. He slammed his book shut and stood up, "Maybe it's because you are actively keeping them from flying. You said you would help them fly again. You know every time you go flying, Wil and Tommy join you, Y/N doesn't have that option anymore. It's like you're rubbing it in their face."

Phil was shocked, "I don't mean to rub it in their face, I don't know if Y/N will ever be able to fly again."

Techno took a moment to gather his thoughts, "I know you don't mean to rub it in but if Y/N can't fly ever again, just tell them that, don't drag them along making them think they have a chance. If I was able to fly and then one day I couldn't anymore, I would do anything and everything to fly again. Just please take it easy on Y/N, it has to be hard for them to sit here and watch you all flying up there."

As Y/N paced back in forth in their room they were talking to themselves, "I can't believe Dadza. It's like he never wants me to fly again. He promised me that he would help me. It's been three months, three months of me just sitting around waiting for him to help me fly again. It's not like Wil or Tommy are going to help me, they live in their own little world." Y/N was fuming with rage, flying was the one thing that made them feel free, but now that Phil won't help them fly again Y/N decided to take decisions into their own hands. "I have every right to be angry at all of them, I'm sick of waiting, I'm going to the cliffs. No one is going to stop me," Y/N said as they looked outside their window, watching the boys flying.

A few hours had passed as Phil was making dinner. Y/N was in their room when they decided that this was the best time to sneak out. They opened their window and jumped out. While Tommy was helping set the table he noticed Y/N was outside. He didn't say anything because he didn't know that they were not coming back in. Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil were all in the dining room as Phil brought out the food. "Y/N, dinner is ready," Phil called out. Y/N was already on their way to the cliffs.

"I'll go get them, they probably have their headphones on again," Wilbur said. He knocked on Y/N's door, waiting for them to answer. He opened Y/N's door expecting to see them with their headphones on, when he didn't see them he shouted, "Hey uh Dadza? Y/N isn't here."

Phil responded, "Isn't here? Where would they be then?" Tommy became nervous, unsure if he should say that he saw them outside earlier. 

Techno looked over at Tommy, "You look weird, where's Y/N?"

"Okay, I saw them outside earlier, I thought that they left something out there so I didn't think to mention it, I didn't know they were sneaking out," Tommy said in a panic.

A rush of fear took over Techno's body, "Dadza," he said, "The cliffs." Phil dropped what he was doing and rushed outside. He immediately started to fly in the hope to find Y/N before they did something irrational.

Y/N stood at the edge of the cliff, Phil was nowhere to be seen. As they stood on the edge ready to jump, they hesitated, "Okay, I can do this. All I have to do is fall, open my wings, and fly, just like before the accident."  Y/N debated back and forth with themself, "Maybe I should have brought someone with me in case this goes badly." They took a deep breath, "No, no, I can do this, all I need to do is fly, I've done it hundreds of times before. I got this." They took another step closer to the edge, "If Dadza won't help me fly again, then I'll do it myself. It's only 300 feet up, that's nothing." As Y/N  continued to convince themself that this was the right thing to do, Phil landed at the cliffs. He spun around looking for Y/N. "Okay, stop stalling Y/N, just do it," they said to themself. Phil spotted Y/N from a distance, he started to run toward them. 

Y/N jumped off the edge, "Y/N don't do it!" Phil yelled. As he ran to the edge he looked down to see if Y/N was flying; they were struggling to open their wings. Phil screamed, "NO!" He jumped down after Y/N reaching his hand out, hoping to grab them before they hit the ground.

Y/N looked up and saw Phil flying down after them, "Dadza, help me!" they shouted.

"Hang on, Y/N, I'm coming," he yelled back.

"I'm so sorry, I should've listened," Y/N said as they slowly got closer to the ground. Phil's eyes started to become glossy with tears. He fought against the wind as he tried his best to speed up. Y/N hit the ground, seconds before Phil caught up with them.

Phil screamed at the top of his lungs as he held Y/N, "Can you hear me? Y/N, please." Tears started to stream down his face.

Y/N was fading in and out of consciousness, "I'm sorr-" they said.

Adrenaline kicked in, "You're alive. Hang on, you're going to be okay, I promise. I'll get you to Sam, he'll know how to help." Phil picked up Y/N and flew off to find Sam. "Hang in there Y/N." Tears rushed down Phil's face, he tried to hold the tears back to be able to see clearly, but emotions took hold of him. There was only one thing he could do, get Y/N to Sam's, alive.

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