No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank (Part Two)

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Most of the team leaves the apartment to canvas the area around the apartment complex, including you, where you see Gideon's energy fading quickly. However, because he was panicking, you can see the direction he went in, but it disappears after a hundred feet. You have no clue where he went, but that's what the team is trying to figure out. Hotch stays inside the apartment while the rest of the group is outside looking for clues.

"He went in that direction," you point, "but his energy fades quickly."

"Frank had to have come out the same way down this street. If they saw Gideon, they saw Frank," Derek says.

"Well, we know Frank will do whatever it takes to blend in and not stand out."

"To avoid attracting attention, he would have simply walked calmly out of that crime scene, though, he must have been soaked in Sarah's blood," you say.

"No, he had access to Gideon's closet," Emily disagrees. "He cleans up, gets a change of clothes, and he's out. Yet he left no trace of evidence at the crime scene."

Hotch leaves the apartment building and heads to the nearest trash can, producing a bloody trash bag with clothes in it.

"Gideon said he dumped it enroute."

"You spoke with Gideon? Where is he, Hotch?"

"He's safe."

"Well, that's all the proof we need, right? We can turn him over to the MPD now," Emily suggests.

"By the time this comes back from the lab, Frank's long gone."

"If the cops find out we're hiding evidence and a material witness from them--"

"We're not hiding evidence," Hotch cuts Derek off. "We'll give this to forensics and let them search for DNA. We'll look for Frank."

Just then, a little kid on a skateboard rides up to the group and looks at you and Derek as if he knows you two.

"Agent Morgan and Y/N?"

"What the hell?" Emily mutters.

"They say beauty can cover a multitude of sins, but underneath it all, we all look exactly the same."

"That's Frank," you panic and look at Derek. "He said that to us in the diner."

"Give me Jane or I'll kill them all."

"Frank thinks we have Jane?"

"We need to find her fast."

"Can I have my ten bucks now?" the kid asks.

You look around the area to see if you can spot Frank. He wouldn't want to miss this interaction, but because you can't sense him, it's impossible to know where he is at this moment.

"Gideon saw Jane just before Frank called him. If we find Jane, we'll find Frank," Hotch says, moving on.

"Last time we found Frank, he outsmarted us. He took a busload of children hostage. He gave us no options."

"He's not going to give us any now."

"Frank's message said, 'I'll kill them all'. Who's he referring to?"

Hotch's phone rings, and he puts JJ on speakerphone when he sees her calling.


"Hey, Gideon had a black leather-bound book. Garcia discovered something. It looks like the first page has been ripped out. You can only really see what's left on the side of the page, but it's definitely Gideon's handwriting. Looks like some kind of a list."

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