The Perfect Storm: Part One

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Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, talk of being raped at age ten, very implicit rape at age ten, talk of no one believing that the rape happened, rape trauma


"Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one who inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." - Mark Twain

You've declared it: it's going to be a good day. You're not going to let work get to you, you're not going to let Elle get under your skin, and you're just going to do your best with the case JJ has alongside your boyfriend. This is a day of new beginnings, and nothing can bring you down. It's a nice day outside, and so you and Spencer decided to walk to work as you two live only a few train stops away. It's a perfect day to be walking as it's not too hot outside and not too cold.

Without the playful gazes of your coworkers, you're able to show a small amount of PDA with your boyfriend. Your hand is entwined with his, and you sneak kisses on his cheek every once and a while. The streets are busy as people rush to get to work, and you try your best not to run into any of them. Along with the people you see, you see the spirits of the people who were once there.

With living in a big city, you've learned to ignore them It's hard because you want to help out whoever you can in any way you can, but you have a job to do that involves real people slaughtering others for sport.

"Hey, are you doing better? After the last case," Spencer asks.

"I'm trying to. Seeing kids in those types of positions is always hard no matter who you are, but I think I took it harder than most. I'm just glad we saved Dustin when we did. We got a bad man off the streets, and that's all I can do at this point."

"You're a lot stronger than me," he chuckles. "I don't know how you do it."

"Well, I have you to support me. You're part of the reason I get up in the morning."

Spencer only smiles at this compliment. You two stop at an intersection and wait for the light to turn green so everyone can cross the street. When you do, you two begin walking on the crosswalk. About halfway through, you bump into a young girl. She looks no more than thirteen years old, she looks sad, and her hair is kind of messy as if she hadn't brushed it in a while.

"I am so sorry," you apologize.

You have no choice but to keep walking, and you look over your shoulder for the girl, but she's lost in the sea of people. Who was that girl? More importantly, why did you feel like you know her? You shrug it off thinking you're stressed about work. You don't know why, but you don't think his case is going to be a good one.

It's still good to have hope.

As soon as you two walk into work, everyone is on the move. Hotch orders everyone in the briefing room immediately, and you sigh deeply. This isn't going to be a good case if he's this wound up this early in the morning. You stop your things off at your desk and head to the briefing room with Spencer.

As soon as you enter the room, your heart stops. There is a woman on the screen who is crying, and that normally wouldn't steer you wrong, but it's the man who is behind her that sends you deeper into your own mind. He is raping her, and she is crying for him to stop.

When everyone is inside, JJ plays the video. You fall into your seat in shock. It's hard to keep watching, but you can't seem to pull your eyes away. Tears build up in your eyes, but you try not to let them fall. While this is happening, there is music playing in the background.

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