Sex, Birth, Death: Final Part

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Penelope made quick work to gather Ronald's information, and your team headed over to his house to confront him next. You, Gideon, and Hotch all went while everyone else stayed on the streets just in case he was not home. The lights are on in his house, so you hope he is home. You knock on the door, and just a few seconds later, an older woman opens the door. Maybe his wife.

"We're looking for Ronald Weems," Gideon says first.

"I-I'm sorry. You just missed him. Why don't you come back in a couple hours?"

"Don't you wanna know why we're here?"

"Of course. Yes. Sorry."

"We're investigating the murders of local prostitutes," you explain.

"I-I'm glad that Ronald is helping you with that, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about it."

Why is she stuttering? Why is she so nervous? She had nothing to do with the murders, but she is afraid of something. She's afraid of her husband because he has a temper at home, but she doesn't want to admit it out loud.

"We'd just like to take a look in your husband's office. Please?" you ask nicely.

"Ronald doesn't allow anyone in there. I'm sorry. You really should come back."

She tries to close the door, but Gideon's voice stops her.

"In the last six months did your husband start asking you to play out sexual fantasies?"

"Excuse me?"

"Possibly even berated you if you played along?"

"I don't think that's appropriate."

"When it finally stopped about a month ago, you were relieved."

"Ma'am, I really hope I don't overstep, but you're afraid of why we're really here. You know that in your heart, we're not here because Ronald is helping us in the investigation."

"Good night," she says in a harder tone.

She closes the door, but that doesn't mean that Gideon is done talking.

"You've been glad to have him leave the house at odd hours because he's been angry and frustrated. When he comes home, he feels like the man you married again." The door opens slightly and the wife peeks her head out slightly. "His office. Please."

She wordlessly opens the door and leads you to his office, which is unlocked. There are pictures on the wall and hand drawn sketches of women. His computer is on and is showing a word document that he uses to write down his stories or whatever he likes to write himself.

"Why won't they clean them off the street?" you read directly from the document. "The blood is on their hands. I see a world set free of vice and vermin, cleansed of the blood of the whores who walk the street."

"Do you know where your husband went?" Gideon asks the wife who has been watching you this entire time.

"He said he had work to do."

While you, Hotch, and Gideon came here, the rest of the team scoured the streets for Ronald, showing pictures to everyone they pass by. Most everyone is saying they don't know or recognize the man, but because you're not with them, you can't tell if they are lying or not. You know it's best if you're out on the streets rather than in here, so Gideon and Hotch gather what they an before heading to the streets to join the rest of the team.

You head straight to Spencer when you see him slightly panicking.

"He's gotta be out here somewhere."

Criminal Minds Series Rewrite: Season TwoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ