The Perfect Storm: Part Four

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Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, talk of being raped at age ten, very implicit rape at age ten, talk of no one believing that the rape happened, rape trauma


You turn and leave the house, getting inside the police car. The ride back to the station is short, but to you, it seems like a thousand years. Gideon and Portillo are talking up front, but you have no one to distract you. Your memories get the better of you, and you're flooded with the memory of the rape. Screaming for someone to help you, but no one coming to your aid. Trying to get away from those four men, but not being able to do anything as they hold you down. Them forcing themselves into you as if you asked for it. You were just a kid back then. What could they possibly want with a kid?

You never went to therapy for the trauma you went through. You pushed it down until your mind forced those memories behind a door in your mind and locked it. You didn't feel pain, shame, or depression because those memories were just gone. Now they're back, and you have to deal with them like you should have done all those years ago.

It's taking everything in you not to make a sound as you silently cry in the backseat of the police car. The second it parks, you rush out of the car and into the police station. Spencer's head pops up at the noise, and he watches you rush into the bathroom with tears streaming down your face. Gideon approaches him, but she mumbles something to him to get away and check on you.

You rip the paper towels from their home and wipe your eyes hastily, hiccupping quietly. This is a single bathroom, so you're not worried about anyone coming in and seeing you this way. You hate the person staring back at you in the mirror. She is broken and shameful, and all you want is for her to go away.

You want things to go back to what they were before.

Someone knocks on the door, and you turn on the sink so they don't hear you cry.

"Just a minute!" you exclaim.

"It's me," Spencer says.

You don't think twice about opening the door for him. He slips in and locks it behind him, and you just break down crying right there. He wraps you in his arms and presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"It's okay," he whispers.

"It's not okay," your voice cracks. "I was ten, Spencer. I was a kid. I screamed so loud and fought so hard, but they didn't let up. It's like I still feel them on me.... holding me down... killing me."

"I won't pretend to know what you're going through, but you're not going through it alone. You have me."

"I know," you whisper.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asks.

He winces at the question, but it needs to be asked.

"For right now... until I get more memories."

Spencer helps get you cleaned up, and only until you're ready does he leave the bathroom with you. No one questions why you two were in a single bathroom alone because they can clearly see you in pain. Hotch and Gideon know exactly what you're going through, but the rest of the team isn't stupid. They know something is up, but they aren't going to question it right now.

Spencer takes you to the room where Gideon is, and you pass through the room with Hotch and Elle in there. They are on speakerphone with Penelope, so you're able to hear what they are saying.

"Did you run Mike Kroger's sheet, the guy from the garage?" Hotch asks.

"The boy needs a refresher course in anger management. Okay, we got assault and battery and assault with a deadly weapon. There's one attempted rape, but it was dropped because the poor thing was too scared to testify against Mr. Stinky."

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