Aftermath: Part Three

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"Have you ever seen anything like this before?"

"Gary Heidnick in Philadelphia," you and Spencer say at the same time. You blush and motion for him to explain. "He kept women in a dungeon prisoner for years with the hopes of impregnating them."

"Heidnick was a sexual sadist, though," you continue. "He tortured the women and even ended up eating one of them. That is a power reassurance rapist."

"So, in this guy's twisted mind, these are love stories?"

"Of course, they are. He's starting families."

You're not going to get any answers at the police station, so you, Maggie, Hotch, and Derek head over to the clinic that these women have been going to in order to get more answers about your unsub. The doctor on call, Dr. Wagner is more than happy to talk to you and your team. He was shocked, to say the least, when he heard what's been happening.

"I'm sorry, but whoever's committing these crimes couldn't work at this clinic. I'm the only man here."

"But that doesn't mean there isn't a connection. We need your help to figure out what it might be."

A woman approaches the counter, and Dr. Wagner puts this conversation on hold while he hands her a form to fill out. You barely have a peek at it before the woman takes it away back to her seat.

"Look, what's happening is just horrible, but the margins on the clinic like this are incredibly slim. If word gets out there's a connection to this rapist, my practice would be ruined," he sighs.

"To be honest I don't care about your practice," Maggie sasses. "Three women were raped after coming here. That's not a coincidence. It's a pattern."

"If you're implying that I could be a suspect, I should let you know that I had a vasectomy twenty-five years ago."

"We just want to know if there's anyone in and out of this clinic who fits the profile," you sigh. "He's quiet, lives alone, and awkward with women, yet hangs around the office a little too long just to be near them."

"No, it's just a small clinic. I only hire women. My patients are just much more comfortable around them."

"What about elsewhere--computer support, janitor?"

"My daughter handles all of the technical business and I have a cleaning crew of two women. Sorry."

The woman comes back and hands over the form that she filled out, and this time, you can clearly see the contents of the paper. Favorite alcoholic drink, favorite vacation place, favorite song, and many other favorites that fit in with the rape victims.

"What is that, doctor?" you ask.

"It's just a questionnaire we hand out to learn more about our client base."

"This is everything the unsub knew about the victims," you reveal.

"Who else sees these?"

"I don't compromise the medical privacy of my patients."

"Those aren't medical questions, and you didn't answer her," you cross your arms.

"Well, I sell the forms to a direct marketing company called First Hand Media. They just target buying habits. No medical information changes hands. It's not illegal."

"Yeah, but the margins on a place like this... word gets out... your practice would be ruined," Maggie smirks.

"I'll call Garcia," Derek offers.

He steps off to the side where some women are chatting with each other, and you follow closely behind. Hotch and Maggie can handle the doctor on their own, so you decide to listen in on his conversation with Penelope.

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