P911: Part One

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"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Forty thousand images of child porn are posted every week on the internet, along with the appearance of twenty new children. The appetite for babies as young as four months old has soared. Many of these children have been kidnapped and sold into pedophile rings," Spencer kicks off the briefing.

"One year ago, the same boy appeared on several websites used by pedophiles. He was a new face then. After a massive hunt led by our crimes against children unit, the boy disappeared," Gideon sighs. "Until tonight when SSA Cole telephoned us."

"Katie Cole?" Derek asks in surprise.

"She was in the BAU, right?"

"One of the first profilers and a clinical psychologist... brilliant."

"She runs the Crimes Against Children Unit in Maryland," Hotch adds.

"I always wanted to meet her," Derek chuckles.

"Really? I heard she's a bitch."

You turn in your seat and see Katie stroll into the briefing room like she owns the place.

"Nobody ever called you that, Katie," Gideon chuckles.

"Well, not to my face," she jokes, but then gets right down to business. "The first time I ever saw him, he appeared in a series of photos. I named him Peter. Now he's being auctioned off when that clock runs to zero."

"His face isn't pixelated," you note about the boy on the screen.

"Because the unsub is confident that we're not going to be able to identify him in time," Hotch answers.

"What about the site itself? Can't we just track its origin?" JJ wonders.

"It's routed through a proxy server in Belarus. Even if that government was friendly, Peter would be gone before we finished the paperwork."

"We don't need to worry about the paperwork. We have Garcia."

"Better get on that, will you?"

"Yea, sir," she nods and leaves the briefing room.

"So, what happened a year ago, Katie?"

"We cross-referenced the images of the boy, we talked to known offenders nationwide, and we narrowed the location down to the eastern United States. We had some suspects in, but the trail went cold. Until today."

"With all due respect, Miss Cole, how is this time going to be any different?" Derek asks.

"We have a starting point. The location where the image was first discovered. It's a chat room hosted by an independent web company in Cleveland, Ohio. This time, I am bringing you all in with me."

"Wheels up in thirty," Hotch says. "Reid, I want you to go to the Crimes Against Children division in Maryland and see if you can't help the agents down there."

"You got it."

The entire group disbands from the briefing room to get their shit ready. You and Spencer already had everything packed because you like to be prepared for anything, so you have about thirty minutes to yourselves. You'll need your go bag, but since Spencer is only going to Maryland, he doesn't need his. While the rest of your team is getting their shit together, you grab Spencer's hand and pull him off to the side. You drag him into a deserted hallway so you could get some alone time before shit hits the fan.

"I wish you were coming with me," you mutter and pull him closer by his belt loops.

"I wish I were too."

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