No Way Out: Part Two

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With the profile out of the way, you have no choice but to head out and try to find this guy. If you're looking for an RV, then you want to start in an RV park. Maybe someone might know who this unsub is. As soon as everyone gathered at the front of the park, Hotch began to speak.

"We set up a nationwide tip line, but all we've really got so far is white male, mid-to-late fifties, tall, with a medium build."

"From the remains discovered this morning, we know he doesn't keep his victims long," Gideon added.

"We've got more cops arriving by the hour to help find this guy. We also put out a nationwide APB," George says.

"If he is still in this town, and we believe he is, he has absolutely no way out."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go catch this son of a bitch," Rick says excitedly.

Your team plus George and her men are enough to cover the entire RV park. Everyone splits into two, and you go with Spencer door to door, asking everyone about the man you're looking for. You must have gotten through at least fifty people, but none of them seem to have a clue to who you're talking about. You're having a really hard time finding this guy, and no one is making this easier for you.

You can't really get mad since everyone you asked truly doesn't know who you're looking for. After going through all these people, you and Spencer stop to take a small break. If you talk to one more person who doesn't know anything, you're going to lose your shit.

"I can't fucking believe not one person knows who this guy is," you groan. "How can we even be sure he's here? He could have left town when we found those remains."

"Of all the cases where remains were found, yesterday's discovery was unique," Spencer thinks.

"That's one way of putting it," you scoff.

"He's never dumped the remains of two victims before. Why them? Why now?"

"I want to know why he's managed to get away with it for so long."

"To get away with murder, you simply don't tell anyone, and the only people he told were the people he killed, and then he took from them what he needed--cash and credit cards."

"I'm gonna call Penelope and see if anything Katherine Hale owned was used after her death."

You take out your phone and dial her number, and while you wait for her to answer, Spencer keeps talking. At this point, he's talking to himself and thinking out loud.

"Then he moved on to his next victim till he reached Golconda. For some reason, he emptied his vehicle before driving to where he dumps his first two victims in the exact same spot."

"You know, it's almost like he's purging his vehicle before he drives into town," Penelope says as she answers the phone.

She must be talking to JJ who is back in Quantico with her.

"Yeah, I don't know. It almost seems like the unsub is always traveling from east to west, passing through every state the same month every year."

"Hey, the remains that were discovered ten years ago was the same month as this, right?" you wonder.

"Right, and then for a week after that, the trail goes dead."

"Yeah, it's like he takes a vacation in Golconda."

"So, where is his RV?" Penelope wonders.

"Maybe he's not using an RV. Maybe he's towing a trailer," you gasp. "Pen, I got to go." You hang up and turn to Spencer who is still talking to himself. "Spencer, he may not be using an RV. He could be towing a trailer that he could unhook and move about freely."

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