Profiler, Profiled: Part Two

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You finally get to the police station where Derek is being held after two hours of non-stop worrying about him. You're not sure why he's been arrested, what he did, or what he didn't do. Your entire team is on edge when you arrive, and Hotch immediately searches for the man in charge. Derek doesn't know you're here, but he can rest easy knowing that you are.

"Special agent Hotchner, FBI," Hotch flashes his badge at the first officer he sees. "I'm looking for a detective... Gordinski."

"I got this, Chuck," another officer says and butts in. "How are you guys doing? Wally Dennison, CPD."

"Where's agent Morgan?"

"Detective Gordinski's in with the suspect now."

"I need to see him."

"When my partner's finished talking to him."

"I have your superintendent's personal cell number, and in the interest of not running roughshod over another police agency, I've resisted calling him so far. I need to see agent Morgan now."

"I'll get Gordinski. He's the, uh, primary," Wally sighs.

Wally leaves to grab the primary on the case, and Gideon rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"I don't like them calling him a suspect."

"Us either."

A few minutes later, a much larger man walks out with Wally who you assume to be Gordinski.

"Detective Gordinski, CPD."

"You think an FBI agent, a BAU profiler, committed a homicide?"

"Actually, three homicides over fifteen years."

"You think he's a serial killer?" JJ gasps.

"This is ridiculous!" Spencer exclaims.

"Has he been charged with anything?"

"I got seventy-two hours for that."

"I'd like to see him."

"Be my guest. This way."

Wally takes Hotch to where they're holding Derek. You think it will be beneficial for you to talk to Derek since you can read the members on your team whether they want you to or not. Derek can be pretty closed off sometimes, but because you work with him and have gotten to know him, it makes it easier to read him.

"Agent Gideon, right?" when Gideon nods, Gordinski continues. "I owe you a big thank you. I had no suspects until you looked over my case for me and sent me this profile. Everything in it points to that son of a bitch, Derek Morgan."

"I profiled him?"

"It's all right there."

Gordinski points to the bulletin board that has the profile on it.

"Detective, a profile's just a guide," Spencer tries to say, but Gordinski cuts him off.

"Yeah, this one guided me to him."

"Are you sure it did? They're really useful in eliminating suspects rather than the inclusion of them."

"That's not the way you presented it to me," he says to Gideon.

"Well, if I confused you, I'm sorry."

"I'm not confused at all."

"Look, whatever it is in here that made you consider agent Morgan a suspect has to be a coincidence. You can't rely solely on this."

"You're right, I'm not. Fifteen years ago, I was a new detective. One of my first cases was a black kid about twelve or thirteen years old who was found strangled in a vacant lot near here. He was a John Doe then, and he's a John Doe now. No one reported him missing. Four years ago, another body turned up with the same MO. I worked that case just as hard and came up with just as much as nothing. Nobody in the area had ever seen the kid before."

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