Psychodrama: Part Four

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You decide that it's better if you go to the parole officer to get Roland Lynch instead holed up in the police station with Elle, JJ, and Spencer. You grab your jacket and head out with Gideon, Hotch, Derek, and Wallace. JJ managed to get hold of Roland's parole officer very easily, so you took the opportunity to meet up with him outside of a taco stand where he's currently getting lunch on-the-go.

"You're Lynch's parole officer," Derek says to Terrell Clayton. "When was the last time you talked to him?"

"I haven't talked to Lynch in a month."

"What can you tell us about him?" Gideon wonders.

"Roland? A real peach. He used to punish his girls by raping them in front of their little sisters."

You become silent at the "r" word, but you don't sink into your shell. You're trying to live with the fact that it happened to you, and to not let it determine your future. It's hard, but you're trying as best as you can.

"He got a habit?" you ask.

"Which one of mine doesn't?"

"If Lynch is our guy, he's going downhill fast, but if he's tweaking, he's going down even faster."

"His latest drug test isn't back yet, but I'm betting it isn't going to be clean," Terrell scoffs.

"You got a line on him?"

"Give me a break. You know what my caseload is like?"

"He might have beaten a civilian to death with a mac-10, caved in a meter maid's face, and that's just the beginning. Does that make the top of your list?" you ask, crossing your arms.

"I'll make some calls," Terrell sighs.

"Thank you," Gideon nods.

He makes his calls and gets the location of Roland. He's at a restaurant/bar that's on the other side of town. You don't know why he's still in the same town as his parole officer which means he's confident he's not going to get caught, or he's dangerous if he does. Regardless, you and your team head over to the restaurant to catch him. Thankfully, he's there when you get there.

"FBI. I need Roland Lynch. Talk to me, Roland Lynch." The men and women who are in Derek's way point to where Roland is, and you head over to him. As soon as Roland sees the FBi at the door, he tries to book it, but Derek is way ahead of him. Derek puts away his gun and slams Roland against a booth to make sure he isn't going anywhere. "Don't even think about it. Don't move! Give it to me." Roland takes out the gun he's got stashed in his jeans and hands it over to Derek who passes it off to you. He then handcuffs him. "You know I can count about sixteen different ways you've just violated your parole."

"They send in feds for busting parole?"

"We're here for the bank robberies and the delivery man you killed."

"I don't rob banks."

"You violated parole, we've got you on possession, and you're going down."

"You think I'm gonna roll over 'cause you're waving three to five at me? I took beatings that lasted longer than that."

"It's not him," you say to Gideon. "He's bad, but he's way too secure to be our unsub. Whoever is robbing these banks is severely mentally ill. I don't believe Roland is responsible."

You know Gideon believes you, but if Roland isn't the unsub, then you're going to take him in for the charges and violations he's currently breaking.

"If I were you, I wouldn't even worry about the murder charge," Gideon speaks up. "I'd worry what happens to you when word gets around you're a pervert."

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