[1] We Keep This Love In A Photograph (Dear Niall)

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This is based on the song 'Photograph' by Ed sheeran. This song breaks me every time. This one shot is different to anything i've written before and i really like it, i hope you do to xxxx This is dedicated to @niamandstuff for being my fangirl other half <3


Dear Niall,

I'm going to start by saying I love you. I love you and it hurts. But love always hurts and I'm never going to stop loving you because it's the only thing I know when it comes to us. I know your upset with me and I know it's hard - it's hard for me too, but please don't stop loving me back. Your love keeps me alive... our love keeps me alive. I know your hurt and in pain and I just really, really want you to trust that loving me and me loving you can heal that pain.

I promise you Niall, it will get easier. Please just remember that this isn't forever and i'm still going to be hopelessly in love with you when we're old and grey and you are sick of me.

Do you remember that lamppost back on sixth street? You kissed me after I told you I was leaving. You begged me not to and I didn't listen. At night I can still hear you crying, whispering down the phone and asking me to come home. A part of me wishes I did, wishes I could - but I think you know as well as I do that this is for the best. I think under the circumstances its better to love from afar, than together and I hope in time you will see that too.

Attached to this letter, are two photographs, of us - obviously. The first one is from that weekend we spent at your parents lake house.... I still remember the smell of nature all around us, rolling around in the leaves, kissing under every tree. I remember falling more and more in love with you and your crooked smile growing wider and wider. I'm never happier than when i'm with you Niall. I know you used to feel the same.

Niall I want you to keep this picture, this picture contains all our love. We made that memory for ourselves, in it there are no broken hearts, time is frozen and its just us. Keep it Niall, keep me. It's the perfect size so you can keep it in the pocket of those ripped jeans you always wear. If you hold me close to you like that, we won't ever be alone. I don't want you to ever feel alone Niall. You're too beautiful to be sad.

The second one is the day we moved in together. There are dark circles around your eyes because you refused to let me help you pack up your stuff and so you stayed up all night packing the night before. You were so grumpy and tired - the first thing we put together was the bed and I made you go to sleep before doing anything else. Is it too creepy if I say I love watching you sleep? Because I do. All i've ever wanted to do is protect you Niall. This picture is the perfect size to put in that necklace your nan got you when you were 16. You can keep me on your chest, next to your heart where I hope you still hold me.

Please don't throw the photos away Niall, don't throw me or what we have, away. It's okay to hurt and cry, i'm crying as I write this. I WILL return to you Niall, i'll be everything to you I promised I would be when I asked for your hand.

Wait for me Niall, please don't find someone else to love.

Yours, always and forever,

Liam x

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