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Rick pulls the stretcher where Maggie's head rests. She's wrapped in a blanket. "Thank you" Maggie says weakly directly to Rick. Aaron and Abraham both grab the stretcher offering support and we all begin to walk into the forest as Eugene watches and eventually goes inside to distract the men who keep stopping us in our tracks.

The menacing growls of walkers fill the silence. We continue forward. I have my knife out as I walk as close as I can to Maggie without obstructing anyone. The forest floor is layered with a bed of leaves and the sky is misty and dark. Maggie wants to walk the distance to hilltop but Aaron is not allowing it. I agree, she is in no condition to walk these few miles we have left when she is as sick as she is now.

Carl and Rick are talking, I'm not sure what about as I'm not paying attention I'm just trying to listen for any nearby walkers. "Do you lot hear that too?" I whisper while still trying to be heard. There's men whistling all around us and we all frantically look around hoping to find a place in which we can slide past them and not be seen. I see people walking through the forest coming straight for us. "Go!" Rick shouts and we all pick up the pace. I reach for my gun instead of the knife I held originally and follow closely behind.

We continue to run but we still hear the whistling and it doesn't seem to be getting further away it's getting closer. We still continue to run and I resist the urge to shoot a blind shot in hopes to hit somebody. We find ourselves in an opening as beams of light surround us. I point my gun behind us while also trying to cover my face from the bright light. Vehicles and men surround us wielding weapons of all sorts.

The RV is parked at the very front of us all and I worry for Eugene. We all give confused and scared looks, which probably isn't helping the situation as their goal is most likely to be feared. We form a tight circle around Maggie, me, Carl, Aaron and Sasha have our guns pointed around but we can't just pick one target as there are so many people around. I look to the left of the RV and I see Eugene knelt on the floor with a horrified look on his face. Even though we are in this situation I still let a sigh of relief out as he is okay.

The men begin to close around us. 'They've done this before' I think to myself. "Good" a strange looking man says as he walks towards us. He has an incredibly receded hairline and his moustache gives off super weird vibes. He steps closer to us and I see him more clearly. He begins to speak again "you made it, welcome to where you're going" his brown eyes dart to look at all of our faces. He's the guy who blocked our path I could tell now. "We'll take your weapons" he says while pulling out a pistol and pointing it at Abraham. "Now" a stern look comes across his face. "We can talk about..." Rick struggles to say before the man interrupts him, "we're done talking, time to listen" he frowns.

The other men walk toward all of us, about 9 of them, I point my gun at the one coming towards me but Sasha taps my shoulder as if to say 'just let them'. I hesitate but I put my weapon down and pass it to them. They take all of our weapons and pat us down for any hidden ones. I give a stern look to the man with the receded hairline but he just gives a creepy ass smirk back.

Rick gives a look of defeat as the man takes a gun off of Carl. "That's yours right?" He says. "Yeah, it's yours" he flicks his hat and begins to talk about how we need to put Maggie down and get on our knees. We try to put Maggie down as gently as possible, I'm not sure why we're taking orders from someone who looks like that but I don't want anyone to get hurt so it's the right choice.

Rick and Abraham bring Maggie to where Eugene is as he was moved closer. I move forward and I see Eugene Is hurt. "Gonna need ya on ya knees" the man says. Rick looks around and looks at me and Carl, he complies to the man's request and we all kneel too. I kneel between Rick and Sasha and a place my hand on Rick's. He lets me.

"Dwight! Chop chop" A man with quite long blonde hair with a huge burn scar on the side of his face walks forward and towards a truck. "He's got Daryl's crossbow..." I whisper hoping I wasn't heard. "Come on. You got people to meet." Dwight says sort of enthusiastically. Daryl, Michonne and Rosita are dragged out the truck. I feel tears start to fill my eyes and my breathing becomes heavy. Last, Glenn is pulled out of the truck. I feel my heart sink even more than it has before. Glenn tries to pull himself away but he is just forced to kneel on the ground as he makes eye contact with his wife.
"On your knees!" Dwight exclaims
Maggie is overwhelmed with tears as Glenn tries to break free from Dwight's grasp. Rosita looks at Eugene, he's crying too but you can tell he wants to look somewhat tough. Daryl has blood all around him and has a sheet around his shoulders. Michonne is trying to intimidate them all. "All right! We got a full boat. Let's meet them man." He says with some sense of enjoyment as he knocks on the RV as if to tell someone to come out.

I move my hand away from Ricks's and I look back to Carl to see if he's okay, he obviously isn't but he's trying to look tough. So am I but this is too much for me so I'm having a major breakdown.

We all wait in fear with all our eyes focused on the door. It opens. A man with black hair, a grey beard and brown eyes walks out with a smirk on his face. I glare at him and he doesn't seem to notice. He's wearing a leather jacket and a red scarf is tucked beneath it. "Pissing our pants yet?" He says "boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close. Yep. It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon." He moves towards Rick and lets out a sigh. "Hi." He smirks "you're Rick, right? I'm Negan and I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people not cool." Rick looks at him, he's scared and he doesn't want anything bad to happen. Negan looks at me I try to give him a look to fear but he just smirks.
"Hey there pretty lady."

I am so sorry for how long this is I just wanted it to be like spot in to the actual scene this is also my first time writing one of these. <3

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