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B= Balarama
K= Krishna
P= Padmavati
U= Ulmuka
B= Bhanu
R= Rukmini

Cradle ceremony for Aniruddha completed very successfully. Pandavas were also invited but due to some circumstances only Arjun was present there. Subhadra is getting angry at her family members for treating him very nicely but she knows how much all of them loves him, so she didn't express it.

She was in her garden thinking deeply . Soon she felt a hand on her shoulder. She smiled and asked
"I guess my beloved husband atlast find some time for me!"

A: Subhi, it's not like that. Your elder brother is literally choking me with his love. I know Sriman Balarama to be a good and strong human being never thought he will be this much caring and loving. Especially for his siblings.

S: We are his utmost priority. He will do anything for us. He loves us immensely, especially me. That's why he was angry at first but now he is way too loving for you. Isn't Radhey??

R: Radhey??

They both turned to see Rukmini standing behind them.

R: Bhadre, why you are calling him by his name?? He is your husband. You should respect him

S: I know bhabi, but I'm used to this name and it's too difficult for me to change the habit.

R: then you should definitely change. He is your husband call him how we all used to call your bhrata.

S: Bhabi!!

A: Bhabishree, whatever she will call me is like honey for my ears. It doesn't matter whether she calls me by my name or anything else. Its her all that matters for me

R: See Subhi, you are lucky to have him as your other part. He really loves you to the core don't you think you should give him atleast a bit of respect atleast infront of elders.

S: Sorry bhabi. I'll try to call him Swami from now on.

R: don't be sorry gudiya. All I want is your happiness.

She placed a kiss on her forehead and left.

A: So, Rajkumari Subhadra, let's go

S: let's go Swami.. in a shy way

Karna blushed by hearing those words. Subhi tooo both looked at each other and then laughed at themselves. They went back to the chamber.

Despite of their knowledge someone was observing everything from a distance. His eyes were filled with tears.
"Its my mistake!" He whispered himself.

Subhi is sitting in the garden with her nephews enjoying the night.

U: Bua, You don't have any idea how much we missed you. Samba used to cry a lot of time saying he want to see you.

S: I'm sorry putr, got really busy with Anga. That's why I send separate letters to you guys secretly.

All giggled.

U: We know bua. Rukmini maa used to console him by saying you will come one day and finally you are here.

B: Haa bua! We really missed you. All our mischieves, plays, games funny moments in the garden, we missed it all

Subhadra pulled all of them closer and kissed everyone's forehead.

S: how much you guys grew also, you will be always in my heart as my little ones.

B: What about us??

All turned back to see Balarama and Krishna standing there.

S: Bhratashree!!

She ran to them and hugged them.

S: you guys are not less than my father. You knew it too. Why now such a doubt??

B: We know gudiya! We were kidding.

They spend a lot of time there and Subhi slept on the lap of Krishna.

After somedays Subhadra and Karna returned to Anga as he got a message from there.

P: Swami, Bhadra I really missed you guys a lot.

A: us too Padma. Subhi, are you not feeling well? You look so pale.

S: It's nothing jiji. Just I am tired with the journey. Rest will help me.

P: Come, I'll take you to the chamber
Swami, today she will not come to the court

A: As you say my lady!

All giggled

At the Royal Court

A: We can build a separate area for market thus the rush as well as the cleanliness will be maintained and we shouldn't take any taxes from the farmers during the rainy season. Open the royal treasury and distribute every grains and rice to the poor people. Noone in Anga should die of poverty. The queen had already prepared a clever plan to proceed the operation. Once she comes, we can discuss further more details of it.

Sol: Hail the King!! Queen Padmavati have ordered you to be present at the chamber of Queen Subhadra. She fell unconscious.

A: What??

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