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A: I can't marry her!!

Those words are ringing in my ears. He.. he said he can't marry me?? But why??

K: What are you saying Parth?

A: I said I can't marry her. I'm sorry Madhav. I have given a promise to Draupadi. I can't break it

K: So? You will not give any value for your love? Parth she is your love!

A: She is my love?  She was my love. It's in the past Madhav. Many things changed. Now she is not even in my heart. I only have draupadi on my heart.

He was literally burying me inside  the hell. How could he? Does he not feel anything for me? Am I a joke to him?.. i can't control my feeling anymore. I'm slowly loosing my control.

Arjun POV

I can't marry Subhadra. If I have to marry her then I have to abduct her and take her to Indraprastha. If so, then my words for Panchali will be broken. I can't let that happen. I love you Subhi,but I can't marry you. I'm sorry. I know this will tore you apart but this is the only way. I believe in Madhav he will find another way. I'm damn sure about it.

K: Parth, Please don't blind your eyes with the love and vow for Draupadi. My sister loves you a lot. She can't think of anyone other than you as her life partner. Her dreams will be shattered. Don't you even have a bit of feelings for her Parth?

A: No. I don't love her anymore. She was a mistake of my past. I don't want her to marry Duryodhan but that doesn't mean I should marry her. Open your heart to Bhrata Balram. He will definitely listen to you and Subhadra. Cancel this marriage.

K: what are you saying Parth?? It's impossible. All the kuru people are there in the sand of Dwaraka. Please understand me. This is not an order it's a request Parth. Please, I'm begging you. I...

S: Bhrata!! Stop it... Please don't bend your heads down for me.

Subhadra POV

What?? I can't accept it. I'm not afraid of what gonna happen with me. But till my last breathe. I'll not allow anyone to insult my brothers nor I'll allow them to be in misery. Today my brother was begging for me to Arjun. I lost my temper

S: I'll not marry Arjun. I hate him. Please, don't embarrass yourself like this for me. I can't accept it. Don't beg infront of anyone for me. It hurts my pride. Not only my pride but the entire Dwaraka's.

K: Subhi, but!!

S: don't worry about me bhrata. I'll be fine. And Rajkumar Arjun. You don't need to worry. I'll not marry you. I too don't have any feelings left for you.

I went near him and removed the ring from my hand and gave to him... 

I went from there!!
I can't process what happened. Arjun abandoned me for another girl. Our promise everything. And bhratashri Krishna. Today he bent down infront of someone. It's all because of me. Yes I'm the reason behind everything. I'm the one. I'm the culprit.

Arjun POV

S: I don't love Arjun. I will not marry him.

Those were pierced right inside my chest. She doesn't love me?? Well, I can't accept her love also... She left from here with teary eyes. I know nothing she said is right. 

Ring....the ring which I gave her as a symbol of our love. She had it all these time??? Yes. I .. i promised her a life of eternity with me , but i failed her.

K: Parth, today you not only broke the heart of my sister, but also the routine cycle of the kaalachakra. The result will not be smooth. You gonna regret every word you said right now. I thought always dharma resides in your heart. But I'm wrong, it's not dharma it's ahankaar. The ahankaar and the feelings you have for Draupadi blinded your eyes.  You will face a cruel future parth. Everytime you see her your heart and eyes will betray you. Your betrayal will always ring in your ears. These are the words from a helpless brother, a faithful friend. Mind it

He left me alone. I looked at the ring I gave to her.

"Bhadra.... My Bhadra... I'm sorry dear!"

Hehe double update.. in a good mood

What's gonna happen next?

Will she marry duri or Arjun will come back for her?? Or??? Guess something

The unexpected fate of KrishnapriyaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz