GunHee: "That's reassuring, sorry for jumping to conclusions."

Duncan: "But let me be clear, i'm no ally to the Hunter Association. With you, i can get along, the others not so much."

GunHee: "Doesn't come as a surprise, but knowing that i count on you is enough to put my mind at ease."

Duncan: "Uh-huh, so how about we just get to the point?"

GunHee: "Of course. A few days ago a new kind of monster appeared on Jeju Island, at first we thought it wasn't a big threat. How wrong we were, giant ants, thousands of them, out of thin air. We organised a raid consisting of the best Hunters from Japan and Korea, but..."

Duncan: "Let me guess, it didn't go as planned, huh?"

GunHee: "We lost far too many, we barely managed to get out of there alive. And those that got out are... let's just say they would have a hard time sleeping at night. We at least managed to contain the threat until eliminated."

Duncan: "And that's where we come in, hmm. This is sure gonna become quite the problem, sure, why not? Just keep the cops and any Hunter away while we're doing our thing."

GunHee: "Hehehe, of course, to think that you and little Ashley could do the job of dozens of Hunters would sound absurd to some, but i know better. You two make quite the team... so like usual i take?"

Duncan: "Half the cash before and half after. Trying to earn my money here."

GunHee: "Of course, didn't expect you to go on such a dangerous mission for charity."

Duncan: "Whatever you say, geezer, talk to you later." He ended the call.

As the calls ended, GunHee slumped further into his chair, he massaged his temples, he was quite stressed lately and he had good reasons too. But he managed to find a silver lining in all of this, Duncan and Ashley, just thinking of those two youngsters brought a melancholic smile.


GunHee: "Come in." He grogly sat up propely in his chair... old age is catching up.

As the door to his office opened, it revealed his assistant carrying some papers.

As the door to his office opened, it revealed his assistant carrying some papers

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Assistant: "Sorry, did i interrupt you, sir."

GunHee: "No, not at all. I just ended a call with an acquaintance of mine. Speaking of which, cancel anything related to the Jeju Island incident, i already found someone to take care of it." He smiled proudly.

The declaration made the Assistant drop the stack of papers, her mouth was left wide open and her glasses, well she managed to compose herself in time. GunHee let out a small chuckle at the sight. The Assistant, donning a small blush, started to gather the scattered papers from the floor. The Assistant adjusted her glasses.

Assistant: " you wish! But... may i ask who are the ones that are gonna go to that place?"

GunHee: "Hmm, i can't say much. But... let's just say that those two are someone that i will think at least three times before picking a fight." He had a small smile

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