through the floods and through the fear | kai s.

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(are you with me? - nilu)

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(are you with me? - nilu)

[Kai is kidnapped and buried alive, left to die. When acute claustrophobia starts to sink in, it doesn't go go great. Not even after the others rescue him.]

a/n: it gets kinda shaky in the middle but we're gonna ignore that sinc e i haven't written in a hot second yea i promise this is better than the blurb makes it sound (i dont know what im doing)

—- —- —-

Patrol is quiet.

The city's asleep and down for the count, and Kai squints at the distant skyline, buildings blotting out the horizon. Quiet's something they've all needed for a long while.

He gives a quiet sigh and steps back down to the ground with a small thump. This late, there's likely nothing much left to do, and he should really drop by the grocery store and pick up some milk, if it's still open.

A broken street light flickers unsteadily ahead, and he frowns, picking up a small shard of cement off the ground to flick at it in a half hearted attempt of restarting the light.

It snaps awake once, twice, drowning the alley way in a few moments of unsteady yellow light before dying out again, smoke curling from the glass, and Kai considers the idea of lighitng it up back with fire before he decides it really is a stupid idea, and he really does need some sleep.

And maybe the darkness is how he misses the shadows flickering across the walls, dark glares passed by easily for imagination. A shimmer of red catches Kai's eyes, and his gaze lands on a blinking scarlet dot on the ground, a little in the distance.

It takes his mind a second too long to catch up, and he can't do anything but dive to the ground in an desperate attempt at avoiding the , ducking into the ground as the world explodes into fire.

Fireworks of bright red sears into his eyelids, and he forces them open to see the messy fire rearing up against the walls. He shakes an arm free from the rubble, hurriedly picking himself from up the floor.

A figure faint in the distance slithers towards him, and Kai's eyebrows furrow in confusion at the snake, struggling to catch hold of a sober thought.

His vision melts and blurs unsteadily, and he staggers back, flames lighting into existence at his fingertips. The world tilts on his axis, and Kai slams into the ground heavily, fire extinguished with panic.

The alleyway fades into black shadows, and the last thing he manages to see is a pair of shining yellow eyes, dark glare promising a world of trouble.

He wakes up slumped over a scaly back, head aching and hands cuffed tight behind his back. He tugs at it experimentally, wincing as it cuts into his wrists. His power surges against the stone uneasily, with no release, and Kai sighs, staring up against the ceiling.

Stupid vengestone. What was even the point of having elemental powers if your every enemy knew your weakness?

The snake carrying him shifts to a sudden stop, dim yellow light flooding the new room, and Kai blinks in surprise, Carey able to collect himself before he's dumped to the ground unceremoniously.

"Ow." He says, voice muffled on the ground, and the snake beside him pokes his shoulder with a razor sharp spear, blade tearing into a small cut as his tongue flicks out to taste the scent of blood. "Owww."

"Get up." He hisses, tone a dangerous low, and Kai picks himself up from the dirt with no little amount of trouble, shoulder still dripping blood. He mouths a swear as the reptilian turns away, glinting gaze turning to something ahead.

A bigger, scarier, snake perched on a crude throne thrown together at the top of a platform, and Kai swallows. Uh oh. She stares down at him almost curiously, menacing shine in her eyes.

"One of the ninjasss." She articulates softly, and Kai takes an unsteady step back, only to be met with more guards.

"Hey, do I know you?" He says lightly, at a half hearted attempt of lightening the mood, as he frantically tries to think about the Serpentine they've upset recently. Her eyelids lower, as if she's bored, and she waves a hand towards another shadowed doorway. "Dispose of him. "

The snake guards are at his sides in the blink of an eye, and Kai stares at them in numbing shock, backing further into the doorway. "Wait, wait, wait—"

They're at his side in the blink of an eye, and panic builds up in his chest, tugging uselessly at where his hands are caught. Metal scrapes at his skin painfully, blood dripping to the ground, but he barely notices the pain."No, no, pleas—"

There's a sharp push at his shoulder, and his feet slip from under him, dragging him to the far ground with a heavy thud.

"Sssleep tight." The snake whispers quietly, tone vicious, and the cover slams shut, dust shaking from the cracks. Kai coughs, voice cracking in the silence as he rubs against his eyes, vision stinging. Thundering footsteps echo through the ground, further with every second, and he can feel the vibrations dissipating away into air.

A stab of pain shoots up his wrists, and Kai pulls away, beating against the wood frantically. His breath catches in his throat, and he gasps for air, chest locking in fear. He tears at the cuffs, nails breaking against the metal.

He isn't sure how much time has passed before he finally gets the handcuffs off, wrists raw and streaming blood from his efforts. He lights a flame at his fingertips experimentally, biting back a whimper of pain at the movement, and the fire flickers unsteadily, vengestone still a light shield over his elemental powers.

Kai presses it to the top of the metal top he's caught in, heart thudding against his chest like a drum, and it melts into the iron, orange smothering into shadows uselessly. Kai swallows hard, and pulls at more power desperately, hands spilling with light as he tries, and fails again.

No change. The metallic shine glows orange and simmers back down, as if mocking the fire ninja, and he lets out a cry of frustration, banging his fists against the mock coffin. His throat closes in terror, chest sizing as the reality sinks into him, and cold fear pools in his thoughts like molten lava.

He's trapped. 

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