sunlit skies | zane j.

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[Zane struggles with the aftermath of being the Ice Emperor, and Kai isn't about to let his friend give up

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[Zane struggles with the aftermath of being the Ice Emperor, and Kai isn't about to let his friend give up.]

A/N: First day of summer of whump! can totally be read at opposite shipping if you squint. also I just really like the dock setting for stories-- sorry for the abrupt ending! trying to write less for summer of whump daily prompts, before I burn myself out 

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The docks are quiet. 

Zane appreciates that now, more than ever. Sure, he can still hear the quiet buzzing of conversations accompanied with busily clanking ships in the back, but it's less chaotic than his thoughts usually are. 

He closes his eyes, blue text popping up onto his monitor with a ping. He sighs, and looks back out onto the horizon, sliding notifications away. Sometimes staying awake is more helpful than living in his mind, his land of coding and light and too many broken places in too many dark corners. 

There's a quiet thump, and Kai sits down next to him, a wince as he clenches his fingers together.  Zane doesn't have to look over at him to know the burns are flaring up again, both from frost and fire. 

Throwing a person who's been used to warmth his whole life into a frosty wasteland is never a good choice, and Kai's exerted his powers too far, trying to stop the dragon. His hands will never be the same again, littered with scars that will not fade over the years. 

And it's all Zane's fault. 

The fire ninja stares out at the sun for a few more silent moments, and looks over at the nindroid. 

"Are you okay? I saw what happened out at training today."

Zane doesn't react, but his memory is already reaching back into his database, pulling out memories of being scared and angry and lashing out. And ice, ice filling the room in sharp daggers and claws, and the look on Lloyd's face that chilled him to the core.

"I'm sorry," he starts, and breaks away before he can say anything more. There's too many things he's sorry for, and he doesn't know how to say them all. 

"Don't be." Kai puts a hand on his shoulder cautiously, tilting the ice ninja over to look at him. "We've- we've all been there. It comes with the job." He says, voice tired, and Zane looks at him with cold eyes. 

"I hurt you." He says automatically, metallic voice grating against his ears. 

"And I hurt people, too." Kai says hesitantly, gaze flitting back to the ground. "You remember the time I got my hands on that scepter. I hurt people, Zane, and we all have. It's not your fault."

"I did those things myself," he says, and remembers the screams that still haunt him at night. 

"Once I start, I won't be able to stop. So I won't start. And you will not need me any further. " He states flatly, and immediately wishes he could take it back. Thinking about it is one thing, and saying it outright is a whole other. 

"I'll be there to stop you."Kai says, and his voice is quiet but ungiving. Zane looks at him, ice blue meeting fiery red, and thinks he means it. 

"Powers are hard to control. But they're a part of you, Zane. And it's okay if you don't think you could use them right now. Powers or not, we'll always be here." Kai slips his hand into Zane's, giving it a small squeeze. 

"So don't give up hope, okay? You're stronger than that."

Zane gives a steady nod, and Kai smiles, amber eyes bright.

The docks are still quiet, and Zane thinks his mind is also, now.

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