irreplaceable | kai s., skylor c.

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Set after S15's tragic ending. Major spoilers. 

TW: Crying, depression, Mentions of Death and Disappearance.

Kai locks himself away in his room for weeks after Nya's disappearance, masking away the pain. 

Zane thinks he knows how to fix that, and it's with the help of a certain Master Of Amber.

(starring skylor as the extremely chaotic neutral

starring kai as the depressed teen

starring zane as the tired mom friend)

• • •

Zane walks across the corridor swiftly, with only one goal in mind.

To get their resident Master Of Fire to eat some breakfast. He knocks on the door, once, twice, thrice. There is no response, and he is about to get worried when the door is slammed open, narrowly missing his face by a few inches.

"Good morning, Kai." Zane greets him, trying not to look taken aback by his appearance. The fire ninja usually takes most pride in how he looks, spending longer than any of them in the toilet. But now, all pretense is dropped, his long hair decorating his neck, and Zane realizes how long he hasn't seem the normal gelled hairstyle his brother wears.

"Can I help you?" he bites out sharply, and Zane retracts from his thoughts, offering a small plate towards him. "I thought you might want some breakfast; you have not eaten for a day... or two."

Kai looked at the plate for a second, and seemed to remember something. He shook his head, hand on the door. "I'm not hungry. Thanks, anyway." He moves to close the door, but Zane slides his foot in, lodging it open firmly. 

"This is not healthy, Kai. Please, eat something." Kai's gaze turns softer at the words, and he accepts the plate from the nindroid, setting it down on the table just inside the room. "Thanks, Zane. I'll come down soon, I just—" he cuts himself off.

Zane nods in acknowledgement and wonders if he dares to press any further. "Is it Nya—"

The door slams shut before he can say anything else, and Zane leaves, just glad he could coax a plate of food in. He doesn't know that it will sit uneaten, turning cold in the corner, till it's thrown in the bin again by nightfall.

• • •

Two days later, a visitor arrives, and Zane is relieved to see it is Skylor. The Master Of Ambar is healed fully, and come to visit Kai.

"How's he doing?" She asks, after being bombarded with hugs and greetings from the other ninja. Zane gives a tight smile. 

"He is..." he picks his words carefully. "In mourning." 


He nods, and Skylor looks down towards the room. "How long has he been in his room?" 

"A few weeks, now." Zane says, and her eyes widen in surprise, suddenly grabbing his wrist and dragging him down the corridor. "Tell him to open the door." She orders sharply, and Zane politely does as she says, knocking on the door.

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