likes & dislikes | lloyd g., zane j.

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TW: Blood, small injury.

Lloyd gets  hurt on a mission, and Zane helps him out.

• • •

Missions are usually long, tiring, and all over very draining. 

However small the opportunity, something about using their elemental powers empties their energy from them like water flowing from a tap, and Zane is usually the only one trusted to drive them home. While they sleep in the back, but that part's not usually mentioned. 

He's also the one who checks them over for injuries, prepares food for the after, and throws them into bed after. The nindroid is the general after-mission caretaker, because the rest barely have the will to stay awake, let alone steer the ship home. 

This time's no different, with a particularly tough fight at the end, and Zane drags them straight to bed one by one without bothering to ask them to change, scanning them throughly for any signs of injuries first. 

Lloyd is the last one, and he all but dumps the unmoving boy onto his green duvet, sighing with the effort. The blonde usually is the most tired by the end of any small battles, and Zane's not entirely sure whether it's his age or the overall pure power that courses through him, using up all his excess liveliness. 

A slash of blood catches his eyes, and he tugs the green ninja back up from where he's curled around his pillow, careful not the jostle the apparent wound. 

A long gash sits on his arm, dripping crimson and staining the deep green. Long, but not deep, he notes with relief and leans Lloyd carefully against the edge of the bed. "I'm going to get the first aid kit. Don't fall asleep." He advises with a small smile, knowing that his sentences are useless, and that Lloyd will be sound asleep by the time he's returned with medical possessions. 

True enough, by the time he's dug out the scarlet and white box from the kitchen and carried it back to the small room, he's splayed across the bed, arms hanging over the border. Zane can't help but give a small laugh at how ridiculous he looks. 

If only their enemies could see the famous green ninja now, he thinks, and pulls him up again. Lloyd groans sleepily, and rests his head against the wall tiredly. Zane tears open a roll of gauze quickly, and picks up the cleaning alcohol, turning back to the teen.


Lloyd mumbles something incoherent, but sits up again, blinking blearily. "Hm?"

"Let me see your cut." Zane requests, and he holds out a arm dazedly. "Wrong arm."

"Oh," he huffs, and offers the other arm. Zane rolls up his sleeve carefully, inspecting the laceration across his arm. He dabs a cotton swab in the  cold liquid carefully, and dabs it at the cut. Lloyd barely flinches at the painful cleaning, and the nindroid wonders for a second how used he is to feeling pain, by now. 

Probably very used, he thinks, wincing slightly, and puts the damp cotton to a side. He winds the snow white linen across the raw cut cautiously. Lloyd instinctively draws his hand back when the tear is touched, but Zane hangs onto it firmly, finishing the bandaging with a small tie expertly. 

He's got a lot of medical information saved in his drive, now. Too much. Zane lifts the worn out ninja back onto the pillow, dragging the duvet over him. 

"Thanks, Zane." Lloyd says faintly, half closed green eyes lingering on him. The nindroid smiles, and clicks the electric lights off. "No worries, Lloyd. Sleep well." 

The door closes with a small thud, and Zane strolls down the empty hallway, turning off lights and closing windows. The whole house is filled with a deafening silence, and he wishes there were more signs of life accompanying him.

He pretends not to mind that much, though, and flicks off the last light, leaving him in a dusky dark blue shade, the moon illuminating his room. 

• • •

Zane doesn't like to drive the ship back home every time. Neither does he like to spend nights alone, cleaning and coming the monastery by himself. 

 He also doesn't really like how much medical information he has saved, or how Lloyd barely recoils at what normal people would think very painful. 

He doesn't like it a lot, but he does like helping his family. 

And if learning how to sew up a deep wound or cleaning up back home by himself is assisting his friends, then he'll do them as many times he needs. 

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