Fortress on Wheels

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Kai was at his wits end right now. While his sister got to have fun with the avatar he was stuck babysitting a old man who was obsessed in helping his nephew from taking the wrong path. While that was okay in itself his methods for it were starting to get on Kai's last nerve.

"This is the fourth fucking camp you've walked us into!" Kai exclaims barrel rolling and kicking a fire nation soldier in the face. Meanwhile Iroh was sitting down with his arms crossed perfectly happy to just let them take him hostage.

"I give you permission to leave at any time you want," Iroh said. Kai dodges a blast of fire, but then a soldier used a crossbow and shot it. It wrapped around him tightly and sent him to the ground defenceless.

The soldiers all high fived each other. "We are so going to get promoted for this!" They cheered. Kai glares at Iroh who allowed them to approach him with chains when the ground shakes.

The soldiers didn't have time to attack when carefully stationed pillars of air shot from the ground and sent them flying into each other. Then several columns jut out and trapped them in with each other in a cage.

Kai's confused until he hears footsteps and a pair of feet in front of him. He looks up and despite the mess he found himself in he grins. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he grins as Cole took out a dagger also grinning.

"Surprised you didn't handle it yourself," Cole said and cuts the ropes. Cole helped Kai up and they shared a tight hug with each other.

When they separated Cole gave him a light punch. "Ow! What was that for?" Kai asks. "Umm disappearing for nearly two months?" Cole said. Kai rolls his eyes. "Not like I wanted to," he said and looks at Cole. "Where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Been in Goaling working with this kid. Met up with Nya and Morro and they told me about your deal. Decided you needed me more than they did," Kai looks offended. "I do not need," he began when Cole turns around and began walking. "Wait where are you going?" He calls. "You said you didn't need me. If you don't need me than," Kai grabbed his leg.

"Don't leave me alone with him!" Cole laughs. "Okay Hot head, now where's the old guy?" He asks. Kai turns to point, but then found Iroh gone. "Uh where did he go?" Kai asks.

"Don't tell me you lost a old man," Cole groans. "I did not loose a old man," Kai said looking around for him. "Kai don't lie," Cole deadpans. "I can't do both Cole you need to pick one," Kai said as he saw a nearby scroll left near a tent. The fire ninja opens it and groans.

"I know where he's gone," he said and Cole looks over his shoulder. "He can't be that far," He said. "The guy is basically a double of Wu so underestimating him will get you killed," Kai said. "Well how are we supposed to catch up to him in time?" Cole asks.

Kai thinks for a moment when he remembers what he had found near the camp earlier. "I might know a way," he answers.


Aang picks a flower and sniffs it sighing happily. "Ah Spring a time for change, flowers, Appa gets a new coat and," "achoo!" "allergies," He finishes looking at Nya who rubs her nose and watery eyes.

"You okay Nya?" Katara asks her concerned. "Ugh just allergies," she sniffs. "Got any medicine for those allergies?" Toph asks. "Usually Kai would boil some water and the steam would help," Nya answers before sneezing again.

"Aww sweet. Big brothers are the best," Katara comments. "Speaking of which where's yours?" Morro asks looking around from above Appa.

The group looks around and indeed Sokka was nowhere to be seen. "He's not far, I think he's trying to hunt a bird," Toph said than adds. "He's coming back," A few moments later Sokka exits the tree line.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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