The North

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The team had been in a awkward solemn silence since battling Zhao. Zuko hadn't spoken a word and no one spoke to him guessing he had worked out if Kai was gone his uncle likely was too.

Nya only ever sobbed silent tears and curled up in the corner of her eyes. She didn't even leave Appa's saddle when they visited the Northern Air temple and met Teo and the mechanic.

They had been flying on Appa for a few days now and it was real quiet and awkward for everyone.

Finally Katara spoke. "Hey Nya? You know maybe he's," "don't Katara just please," Nya pleads with her. Katara cautiously moves closer. "We've all lost someone close to the fire nation, I lost my mother," Katara tries to sympathize.

"I didn't loose him to the fire nation!" Nya looks at Katara with red and puffy blood shot eyes and a quivering lip. "I lost him! I just lost him! Kai was all I had! The only family I had! I didn't loose him to the fire nation I lost him to the firelord! And don't pull that I lost my mother crap on me because I. Don't. Care! We've all lost our mother's, but you haven't lost your brother! I lost my brother because I wasn't there! Because you made me leave him!" Nya yells her voice hoarse and scratchy from the crying.

"I don't care you lost your mother okay!? Because there's a difference between our losses. Yours is that you had no way to save her mine is that I could have saved him! That he would be okay here with me if I had just stayed and protected him! If I had just been the protector for once he would still be here!" Nya yells at Katara.

Katara's eyes widened at Nya's outburst before they became hard and angry.

"How can you say that!? I lost my mother and I had to watch over my village all by myself!" She shouts.


"Let them get their anger out Aang," Zuko advises

"Again I don't care! Both my parents are dead because of what they were! I had to struggle and fight for everything I have! I've faced things you'd never believe and through all the changes, all the heartache, everything Kai was always a constant! You lost your mother years ago Katara, but I just lost my brother and it's fresh, it's still bleeding so shut the bull crap and leave me alone!" Nya finishes her outburst with a wave of her hands and a wave swept through the ocean around them.

With that Nya sat down and turned away from them to continue her sobbing fits. It was really quiet and Zuko broke it.

"I'm sorry, I should have listened to him. He said my father would try to kill me once I turned in Aang, but I never listened," Zuko looks down. "I am sorry," He said. Nya does not make a word, not even motioning she heard him.

The quiet was loud and constricted everyone's chests.

This was stopped when Aang yelled out as a ice spike suddenly rose out of the ocean. Appa let's out a roar and steers away from it and everyone narrowly avoids falling into the icy ocean below them.

Several more ice pillars appear until eventually Appa crashes into one and landed into the ocean. Ice quickly formed around him trapping the bison. From the pillars boats of men came out dressed in blue warm parkas.

Everyone looks around and Katara happily exclaims. "They're waterbenders we finally made it!" She says in joy. One of the men called up to them.

"Who are you and state your buissness!" "We're from the southern tribe we've brought the avatar with us to learn waterbending," Katara calls down to them. The men exchanged looks and whispered a few things, but didn't appear very welcoming eying the group.

"Sokka repeat what Katara said," Sokka looks to Zuko confused. "What why?" "Just do it," Zuko hisses.

"We're from the Southern Water tribe and Aang here is the avatar. We need someone to teach some of us water bending," He said and this time the men listened and unfroze them and guided them towards the walls to let them through.

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