Fire Festival

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(Hi I just felt the need to clarify that the reason Ozai didn't praise Zuko like in the original book three is because Ozai only likes people who act like him and he doesn't need to worry about them over throwing him. It was why he favoured Azula over Zuko. In my version Zuko may have captured the avatar, but he had still never showed to be like his father in anyway)

When Zuko awoke he thought it all had been just a bad dream, but he was wrong.

He woke up on Appa and realized it wasn't a dream and that he was currently stuck with the avatar he groans and laid back down on the saddle trying to block out the world.

"Hey Jerkbender we know your awake," The water tribe boy said poking him. "Throw me off the bison," He pleads.

"Not happening. My brother could be dead because of you so your going to help us and your not dying or so help me I will freeze your blood," Nya threatens him. Zuko's eyes widened and he looks at Katara.

"Can she do that?" She shrugs.

"Wait? Who's your brother? Was he someone on Kyoshi?" Zuko asks. "My brother is Kai," Zuko's eyes widened a little and he had some questions, but he chooses to just lay down and sulked.

The gaang looks at each other, but decided it was best for Zuko's well being to sleep it off.

Katara and Aang were a little unsure about having Zuko around with them, Nya was still worried about Kai, and Sokka was actually kind of concerned about how Zuko was handling this.

Looking at the map Sokka saw there was one town in the earth kingdom they needed to stock up on food. It was a fire nation colony though, but that might even cheer Zuko up.

They landed at the forest outside of the colony.

"Okay we're just outside a colony and we need to stock up on food. Hey Zuko you got any tips for blending in?" Sokka asks trying to get him to join in.

"Be a disappointment," Zuko mutters in answer. "Okay bud," Sokka grabbed him by the collar and hauls him up to eye level.

"You chased us over nearly the entire world, kidnapped Aang, rescued him as a masked sword wielding spirit, and through all that you didn't falter even though you failed. And you failed a lot so much it was embarrassing and fun to laugh at during some points, but if you give up now when Nya's bro and your uncle sacrificed their lives for you for you to sulk than you got another thing coming mister sulking prince. Because if your going to sulk about this than I'm going to personally make it a waist," Sokka chews him out.

"Why'd you care? No one cares about me, I'm a waist, you'd do better with my sister, everyone loves Azula, she's a fire bender, I'm useless," Zuko was breaking down further. "I'm lucky to be born! Azula was born lucky! I'm a useless burden," Zuko berates himself curling inside while looking more and more unhinged on the outside. "Do I need to slap you again? I will slap you happily," Sokka said.

"Sure? Why not, if you hurt me though don't let the water benders heal me. I want pain," Zuko said.

Everyone looks at each other in confusion and Katara got badly offended. "Oh so just because I'm a girl you expect me to be your healer?" She asks him.

Zuko looks at her in confusion. "No? I feel like going for a walk," Zuko decided and stood up, but Sokka grabbed him back before he jumped off Appa while in flight.

"Just let me die," Zuko sulks. The group looks at each other and Sokka looks around and got a bright idea.

"Really Sokka? He's not a dog," Katara said as her brother tied a rope around the prince's ankle.

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