The Blind Bandit

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Goaling was definitely one of the better Earth Kingdom towns. It was full of finely dressed citizens and stores selling material merchandise instead of what you need to get by. What of these material items was a bag Sokka was debating on getting while the rest of the gang stood bored around him.

"It's really expensive," Sokka was saying looking at the bag. "Than get it. You deserve something nice," Katara said and Sokka smiles at her. "I do don't I?" He than frowns. "But I shouldn't it's too much," Sokka said.

"Not anymore," Morro came back from no where and threw a bag of coins at the merchant watching them to make sure they didn't steal the bag. The merchant looks into the bag and gives a happy thumbs up. The gang all looks at him. "Where did you get that money?" Katara asks. "Bet he stole it," Nya said.

"For your information I am very good at magic tricks, see?" Morro leans down and pulls a gold earth kingdom coin out from behind Aang's ear and he claps happily. "Also people here are rich, you'd be surprised by how much generous rich brats living off their parents money are when they don't realize the real worth of a coin," Morro said. "Well I thank you good sir," Sokka said picking up the bag and happily leaving with it.

A guy came up to them and offered Aang a free coupon for earth bending. "Who knows, maybe this master Yu might be the teacher your looking for," Katara said optimistically. "I don't know, your only getting your money's worth if your paying money. Having someone teach you for free in this type of money driven town doesn't seem worth it," Morro said. "I agree, you guys go ahead and check it out, but me and Morro are going to check around town and ask the locals," Nya said. "Why do I have to go with you?" Morro asks. "Because I don't trust you not selling Aang," Nya glares at her.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Morro asks. "You did it too Lloyd," Nya answers. "I kidnapped him, and I took good care," Morro argues. "You threw him in the river!" "How was I supposed to know your brother couldn't swim and save him? I wouldn't have done it otherwise,"

The trio slowly backed away as the two bickered.

When Aang snuck into the class wearing a uniform and lined up with other kids he quickly found out that Master Yu, a man with long greying, hair, goatee, and fine robes encouraged kids to throw rocks at each other with violent intent. Aang ended up in a pile of sand and instant regret. "You ready to commit to more lessons? If you book for a year in advance I'll bump you up to the next set," Yu said making it sound like a good bargain. Aang knew right then that this man probably wasn't even a decent earth bender. "No thanks, now can you help me out?" Aang was struggling getting all the sand off him. "I only help students," Master Yu answers and leaves Aang to get out himself.

"Need some help there buddy?" Aang felt someone grab his shirt and pull him out from underneath the sand.

It was a guy with black shaggy hair that covered his forehead, dark skin, dark forest green eyes, wearing dark green earth kingdom clothing, and looked like he was about Sokka's age. "Thanks, that teacher sucks," Aang said dusting himself off. "Yeah I know, I stick around to clean the place and make sure he doesn't murder the paychecks," The stranger said. "Don't you mean kids?" Aang asks. "If you ask Yu it's the same definition," The guy said and started sweeping with a broom he had.

"What about you? Are you a earth bender?" Aang asks. "A unconventional one," The stranger said and looks around nodding at his work and walks off to put the broom away, but Aang follows him. "I really need someone to teach me earth bending, someone that's not Yu," The stranger snorts. "The fact you came here on a free coupon must mean you can't afford a "proper" teacher," The stranger said and Aang looks down shamefully. "That's okay, but if your that desperate than maybe you could go to earth rumble six tonight," Aang's eyes lit up. "Earth Rumble six? What's that?" The guys eyes glint with a mischievous spark.

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